Martin Onetto (Argentina, b1949)

Martin Onetto's Web Site Martin Onetto's Flyerel Patio del Cabildo

The Artist: I met Martin Onetto the first time in November 2005 in Buenos Aires, Argentine after a climbing trip in northern Argentina. I have visited many custom knife shops from Asia to Europe to North and South America. Martin is one of the finest knife artisans in the world. Martin Onetto can be found in Buenos Aires at the "Feria Artesanal Patio Del Cabildo Historico" (above) at the west end of the Plaza de Mayo opposite the Presidential Palace, Casa Rosada on Fridays from 1100 to 1800 hrs. The Patio del Cabildo is a plaza behind the original Cabildo (town council from 1725-1765) which is close to the Cathedral Metropolitana which contains the tomb of General San Martin. Martin produces a variety of very unique custom designs. His knives are designed to be used and enjoyed every day. All his work is beautiful but my favorite designs are his uniquely crafted folding butterfly knife. Check out Martin's art at his website and by selecting the above image. Martin is also an accomplished kite surfer. Martin is the son of the Argentine modern artist Rafael Onetto (1915-1967). Martin does not export his work so the next time you are in beautiful Buenos Aires stop and see him at the Cabildo on Fridays. If you have not discovered Buenos Aires or Argentina put it on your list. It is an amazing place to spend a week, a month, or longer. It is my favorite city on earth. You will love Beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina .

Martin Onetto - Knife Artisan
Pedernera 940 Villa Adelina Prov. BS. AS (1607)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Friday's: Plaza de Mayo
Feria Artesanal patio del Cabildo Historico
1100 to 1800 hours

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