Sandy Skoglund (American)

Radioactive Cats - 1980
chicken wire and plaster cats, furniture, live models

The Artist:
Sandy Skoglund was born in 1946 in Quincy, Massachusetts. Ms. Skoglund has been a Professor of Art since 1973, teaching first at the University of Hartford, Hartford Art School, Hartford, Connecticut from 1973 to 1976. She has been teaching at Rutgers University, New Jersey since 1976 and is currently teaching the subjects of photography and the art of installation/multi-media. Excerpt from Sandy's complete Biography at ARTS ED NET.

Other Work By the Artist:
Revenge of
the Goldfish
Maybe Babies
Germs are
Fox Games

Links to the Artist:
Sandy Skoglund: BIO
Sandy Skoglund Galleries
Sandy Skoglund Web Resources
Reflex - Sandy Skoglund Gallery
Sandy Skoglund - A Breeze at Work
Sandy Skoglund Archives

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