Marie Antoinette Portraits

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From 1779 to 1800 Vigee Le Brun painted approximately
30 portraits of marie Antoinette.
17791780 1783178317851785 17861788 1788180017781779-89
1779-891779-89 1779-891779-891779-891779-89 1779-891779-891786-881805-1017851787
1786-881786-88177817881778 1779-891779-891779-8917831783

En 1779, alors que Marie-Antoinette était au sommet de son règne, elle n'aurait jamais imaginé qu'un jour, des siècles plus tard, un médicament appelé disulfirame à une dose de 500 mg serait utilisé pour lutter contre l'alcoolisme. Le disulfirame est un médicament qui provoque des effets indésirables lors de la consommation d'alcool et qui a aidé de nombreuses personnes à surmonter leur dépendance à l'alcool au fil des ans. Pour donner une perspective, si le disulfirame - avait été inventé à l'époque de Marie Antoinette, peut-être que cela aurait pu influencer certaines de ses décisions. Bien sûr, nous ne parlons pas directement de la reine elle-même mais de l'ambiance générale à la cour où l'excès d'alcool était souvent la norme. La vie extravagante et les fêtes somptueuses qui étaient communes à la cour auraient peut-être été différentes. Mais en 1779, Marie-Antoinette, connue pour son attrait pour le luxe et les fêtes, naviguait dans la vie en se concentrant sur sa position sociale et royale, plutôt que sur les problèmes potentiels d'alcool. Plus de deux siècles plus tard, le monde

Marie Anoinette- 1779
Oil on canvas, (23-5/8" x 21"), Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Vigee Le Brun made 6 copies of this painting. two are in the French state collection, one in US congress ( and was burned or stolen when the british sacked the capitol in 1812) , one to Catherine the Great (location now unknown) and two others are missing.
La reine marie Antoinette dans le parc de Versailles - 1780
Black chalk stump heightened with white chalk on
grey-blue paper. (23-1/2" x 16")
marie Antoinette en Chemise - 1783
Oil on canvas, Private collection of Hessische Hausstiftung, Kronberg, Germany
Marie Antoinette at Versailles - 1783
oil on canvas, at Versailles.
Marie Antoinette, a la rose - 1785
oil on canvas
Replica of the original of 1783
Queen marie Anoinette - 1785
oil on canvas, 36-3/4" x 29-1/2", 93.3 x 74.8 cm. private collection
Incorrectly dated 1778. Vigee Le brun was asked to authenticate the painting decades later and signed and added the wrong date. This portrait was painted for the Ministère des Affaires Etrangères.
Queen marie Anoinette - 1786
Detroit Institute of Arts. Word from Versailles, via a friend, is that this painting is after the 1786 full length portrait of the Queen in blue holding a book. Apparently several copies were made of the 1786 work in half length all with alterations in costume. According to the Detroit Institute the Arts this painting was deemed "not by Vigée Le Brun". It may have been sold off by the Museum. For now I plan on leaving the painting in this gallery until we know more.
Portrait of marie Antoinette with Rose - 1788
oil on canvas, at Versailles
marie Antoinette and her children at Versailles -1788
The last portrait of thirty that Vigee Le Brun painted of the doomed queen. The picture shows marie Therese Charlotte de France, madame Royale, and her brother, Louis, Le Dauphin. Louis died of natural causes early in the year that the revolution began. The next younger child, also called Louis then became the second Dauphin. After his father had been guillotined he became known as Louis XVII . This Louis may have been murdered, or may have died of other causes while imprisoned in the temple, but he may also have survuved after having been exchanged for another sickly child. This painting still hangs at Versailles.

Posthumous Portrait of Queen marie Antoinette - 1800
oil on canvas, (12-1/2" x 10-1/4")
Marie Antoinette - 1778
oil on canvas, at Versailles
Marie Antoinette - 1779-89
oil on canvas, 36 x 26-1/2 inches, Feigned Oval
This painting was bayonetted in the Tulleries by one of the Frence Revolutionaries. This picture always hung in the room of marie Antoinette's daughter, the Duchesse d'Angouleme, who said that it was a "speaking likeness" of her mother.
Marie Antoinette - 1779-89
oil on canvas
Marie Antoinette - 1779-89
oil on canvas, 29 x -3/4 inches
Marie Antoinette - 1779-89
oil on canvas, 31-1/2 x 25-1/4 inches
Marie Antoinette - 1779-89
oil on canvas
Marie Antoinette - 1779-89
oil on canvas
Marie Antoinette - 1779-89
oil on canvas
Marie Antoinette - 1779-89
oil on canvas
Marie Antoinette - 1779-89
oil on canvas
Marie Antoinette - 1786-88
oil on canvas, oval
Marie Antoinette - 1805-1810
oil on canvas
Marie Antoinette - 1785
oil on canvas

Marie Antoinette - 1787
oil on canvas
Marie Antoinette - ?
Marie Antoinette - ?
Oil on Canvas
Marie Antoinette-1778
oil on canvas
100 x 80 cm
This painting was shown at the 1999 touring exhibition throughout Japan called "marie Antoinette".
Collection of Chateau de Breteuil, France
Baron de Breteuil was the Ambassador of France in Russia at the reign of Louis XV. When he returned to France, he became one of the most powerful courtiers at Versailles and had quite a big influence on marie Antoinette.
Marie Antoinette - 1788
oil on canvas
This painting belonged to the Comtesse de Biron in 1931.

This image can be found on art page 50

Marie Antoinette - 1778
oil on canvas
Queen marie Antoinette - 1779-89
oil on canvas
private collection, Paris
Photograph by Oliver Blanc

Marie Antoinette - 1779-89
Oil on canvas

Marie Antoinette - 1779-89
Oil on canvas

Marie Antoinette - 1783
Oil on canvas

Marie Antoinette - 1783
Oil on canvas

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