SOUP and ART The Artists: Jane Wagner - Playwright Lilly Tomlin - Actress Andy Warhol- Artist
This is Soup | and | this is Art | ||
The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe by Jane Wagner Plymouth Theater, New York City, 1985 Main character : Trudy the bag lady Location : A street corner in New York City
standing on the corner of "Walk, Don't Walk," waiting for these aliens from outer space to show up. I call that crazy don't you. They're late as usual. My space chums say they're learning so much about us. They said to me, "Trudy, the human mind is so-o-o strange." We think so different. They find it hard to grasp some things that come easy to us, because they simply don't have our frame of reference.
I show'em this can of Campbell's tomato soup. "This is soup." "And this is art." Then I shuffle the two behind my back. Now what is this?
No. I dread having to explain tartar sauce!
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