Kimbell Art Museum Exhibition Catalog
June 5 - August 8, 1982

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Catalog Number 52

Art Page 32
Graphite on blue paper:
85/16 x 615/i6 inches (212 x 175 mm)
Inscribed and signed lower left:
pour souvenir de / Le Brun fecit
The Pierpont Moran Library, New York

PROVENANCE: Galerie Cailleux, Paris, by 1935; acquired in 1955 by The Pierpont Morgan Library (purchased as a gift of the Fellows).

EXHIBITIONS: Paris, Mus6e Galliera Auteuil et Passy d'atitrefois, 1935, no. 30; Paris, Galerie Marcel Guiot, Portrait, dessines, 1937, no. 2, illus.; London, Matthiesen Gallery, Drawings of Master Painters Of the XVIlIth Century, 1950, no. 87, Paris, Galerie Cailleux, Le Dessin francais de Watteau d Prud'hon, 1951, no. 199; Paris, Galerie Charpentier, Celebrites franqaises, 1953-1954, no. 190.

REFERENCES: P. Jacottet, Le Dessin franqais au XVIIIE siecle, Lausanne, 1952, illus. pl. 126, F. Stampfle, Seventh Report to the Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library, 1956, New York, 1957, p. 79, illus.; The Pierpont Morgan Library, A Review of Acquisitions 1949-1968, New York, 1969, p. 175.

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