The crew had trained together in all aspects of B-24 combat operations and tactics and arrived on at Glatton Airfield on about 10 February 1944 fully qualified just in time for BIG WEEK and ready to destroy the Nazi. All bomber crews are named after the pilot in command of the team and the aircraft. This crew is known as the "Reppa" crew (crew #108) on all schedules and paperwork. |
The "Reppa" B-17G Crew
Pilot - Lt Edward J. Reppa
Co-Pilot - Lt Aaron J. Ayres
Naigator - Lt Curtis J. Overdahl
Bombardier - Lt George H. Stateman
Engineer/Top Turret Gun - Sgt Stephen F. Billisit
Radio Operator - Sgt Ivan W. Browning
Right Waist Gun - Sgt John Harmke
Left Waist Gun - Sgt Irving Feldman
Tail Gun - Sgt Charles W. Mehring
Ball Turret - Sgt Kenneth L. Holder
The crew crew survived the war and returned home in the summer of 1944.