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Self-Portrait - 1781
Oil on canvas, 25 1/2 x 21 1/4 in, 64.8 x 54 cm)
Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas
This self-portrait shows the artist at about age twenty-six, at the height of her youthful beauty, looking both ingenuous and self-possessed.The painting was achieved with a palette limited to black, white, and red. Finely nuanced flesh tones are built up by layers of transparent glazes. The eyes reflect the flicker of light, as does the crystal earring. See it at the Kimbell Art Museum , Ft Worth, Texas. Vigée Le Brun completed two versions of this portrait. This is the copy. The original (Art Page 45) is in a Paris private collection. Reference Kimbell Exhibition Catalog Number 11 for more details.
Duchesse de Caderousse - 1784
Oil on canvas
Private collection.
Marie-Gabrielle de Gramont, Duchesse de Caderousse
Sold at auction in New York in 1996. This is one of the finest examples of the work of Vigee Le Brun . The painting shows the Duchesse de Caderousse, posed simply in the costume of a countrywoman, with her hair unpowdered - after the first sitting when she went straight to the opera as she had posed, with her hair loose and natural, she inspired a revolution in ladies' fashions.
View a highly detailed large format image of this painting. Note the thumb print by her signature.
Vigee-Le Brun with her daughter Julie - 1789
121 x 90 cm
The Louvre, Paris
Between 1783 and 1789, her most creative and productive years,she exhibited more than forty portraits and historical compositions at the Academy's biennial Salon, earning success not only as a portraitist at the court of Versailles but as one of the most glamorous women in Parisian society in the final years of the ancien regime. Julie was age 9. View a large image of this portrait.

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