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Duchess de Guiche - 1820-30
oil on canvas

View an engraving of this portrait.
Mme de Lamballe - 1781
The Princess de Lamballe was best friend of Marie Antoinette. She was born in 1749. She was married to Louis Stanislas, the Prince de Lamballe (1747-68), the brother of Louise Marie Adélaïde de Penthièvre (the future Duchesse de Chartres). She was widowed at the age of 19. The Princess de Lamballe died on 3 Sept 1792 in Paris after she returned from England to help her queen. She was decapitated and her body was lacerated. Her head was mounted in a stick and put in front of the window of the temple where Marie Antoinette and the royal family were imprisoned. Another image of the Princess de Lamballe appears on art page 153 . View a color detail of this pastel .

Prince Alexander Borissovich Kourakin - 1797
Oil on canvas. 96x76 cm
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
Previously from the Collection of E. P. and M. S. Oliv, Petrograd. 1923
Prince Alexander Borisovich Kukarin (1752-1818) was a friend of Czar Paul I, in whose reign he was vice-chancellor, member of the Council of State, and recipient of all the Russian orders of his time. In the early XIXth century he was president of the collegium for foreign affairs; in 1806, Russia's envoy to Vienna under Alexander I; from 1808 to 1812, the envoy to Paris. A version of this portrait is in the Pavlovsk Palace Museum. Other reports say the painting is located at the Gatchina Museum and a copy is in the Hermitage.View two other color images of this painting. Image 1 and Image 2.

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