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Baron d'Andlau - 1815
Oil on Canvas, 65 x 81.5 cm
Baron Hardouin Gustave d'Andlau

A Man - 1813
Oil on Canvas, 59.7 x 48.2 cm
David-Weill collection
Half-length portrait of a gentleman. Signed "LE Vigee le Brun 1813". This portrait was plundered during WWII. It was repatriated after the war.

Alexandra Alexandrovna Bibikov - 1795-1801
oil on canvas, 43 x 32-1/4 inches
Private collection
Brief description in Lada Nikolenko's "The Russian Portraits of Vigée Le Brun" . Entry number 42. Young woman, seated against a landscape. Emerald green turban, dark blue dress, red cloak.

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