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Child - ?
Drawing, 20.7 x 19 cm
Museo Glauco Lombardi, Parma, Italy
Innocence seeking refuge in the Arms of Justice - 1779
Musee de Beaux Arts, France
Mlle de la Ferte - 1779
pastel, oval, 61 x 53 cm
David-Weill collection
Agathe Louise Marie de La Ferte, born in Paris 4 January 1767. She was declared the daughter of Paul de La Ferte and Louise-Henriette Helnaut, though she was actually the natural daughter of Omer Louis Francois Joly de Fleury and Jeanne Louise Catherine Voidet, baronne d'Estat. The Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) operation in German-occupied France removed this pastel from the David-Weill Collection between 1940-1944. This information comes from the National Archives, College Park, MD: Record Group 260, Microfilm Collection M1943, Reel 23 NARA.

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