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Lady Reading - ?
Oil on Canvas, 50 x 36.5 in, 127 x 92 cm

Marquise de La Guiche - 1783
Oil on Canvas
This was owned by the Marquis de La Guiche, Chateau de Chaumont, France. This painting was exhibited in 1783, so Vigee Le Brun erred when she listed it for 1788 as “1 Mme de La Guiche, as a milkmaid.”. She also painted another figure as a milkmaid: 1786"Marguerite Baudard de Saint James, marquise de Puysegur, dressed as a milkmaid," oil on cradled panel, Snite Museum, Notre Dame University.

Princesse Pelagie Potocka - 1798
oil on canvas, 7 X 6 in.
Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California.
From the Huntington: "It is probably the work of Jean-Baptiste Riviere, the brother-in-law of Etenne Vigee (Vigee Le Brun's brother) who accompained Mme Le Brun throughout her traves in Austria and Russia between 1792 and 1801. He is known to have produced a number of "copies en petit" after large portraits, some of which are signed. They are all surprizingly close in style and technique to her work."
View a detail of this painting. View a framed image of this painting.
View another painting of Princesse Potocka on Page 158.

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