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Self Portrait - 1801
Pastel on paper, 54 x 31.5
Rouen, Musée BeauxArts
This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition.
Princess Aniela Radziwillowna - 1801
Pastel on paper mounted on canvas, 42.2 x 32.1 cm
Petit Palais, Paris
Princess Aniela Angelica Radziwillowna, future wife of Prince Konstant Adam Aleksander Tadeusz Czartoryski. Lived 1781-1808, the daughter of Michal Hieronym, Prince Radziwill (1744-1831), Palatin of Wilno, and Helena Radziwill, née Przezdziecka (1753-1821). They had eight children. In 1802 she married Prince Konstantin Adam Aleksander Thaddeusz Czartoryski (1773-1860), son of Prince Adam Czartoryski. View another version of this portrait and one of her mother on Art Page 80. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition.
Tatiana Borissovna Potemkina - 1820
Oil on canvas, 108 x 82 cm
Private collection
This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition.

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