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Mme Rasoumoffsky - ?
oil on canvas
This is Franz-Valentine Durmer's engraving of Vigee Le Brun's painting of Mme Razoumoffska. The acual painting is lost or unlocated.
Portrait of a Young Woman-1797
oil on canvas, 32-1/4" x 27-3/4", 82.2 x 70.5 cm
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston View the framed painting. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition
Reference Kimbell Exhibition Catalog Number 45 for more details.
Mme du Barry-1789
oil on canvas
Private collection
Mme du Barry is 46 years old in this portrait. "The third portrait I made
of Mme Du barry [was begun] towards the middle of September 1789....I had
painted the head and traced the outline of the body and arm....My fear reached
a peak and my only thought was to leave France, so I had to abandon the painting
half finished. I do not know by what stroke of good fortune M.le Comte Louis
de Narbonne found himself in possession of it during my absence; on my return
to France, he gave it to me and I have only just completed it" Vigee Le Brun.
The painting was finished around 1820. According to her memoirs Vigée Le Brun painted three
portraits of her: 1781 Countess du Barry (w/straw hat), 1782 Mme.du Barry
(full length w/wreath in hand), 1789 Mme.du Barry. Refer to the
Mme. du Barry page at this web site.
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