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Genevieve-Sophie le Coulteux du Molay - 1788
Oil on Canvas,100 x 79cm
Museum Nissim de Camondo.
In the course of the summer of 1788, the artist stayed at Malmaison, which was the property of the family of Madame du Molay.

Claude Joseph Vernet - 1778
Oil on Canvas , 36 1/4" x 28 3/8", 92 x 72 cm
The landscape painter lived 1714-89. Vigee Le Brun listed this portrait in 1789, but it is signed and dated 1778. Louvre date of acquisition:1817. View a framed version of the painting. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition.
Reference Kimbell Exhibition Catalog Number 7 for more details.

Charles Alexandre de Calonne -1784
oil on canvas, 59 x 50 3/8 in (149 x 128 cm)
Royal Collection, Windsor Castle
Charles Alexandre de Calonne (1734-1802), Controlleur General Des Finances to Louis XVI. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition.

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