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Self Portrait - 1783
Drawing, 48 x 37 cm
Self Portrait.
Private Collection, New York
Previously Sold on 11 March 2014 at the Hotel de ventes de la Vallée de Montmorency, France. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition. View the framed drawing and plate.

Comtess de Simiane - 1783
oil on canvas, 28-3/8" x 23-1/4"
Diane Adelaide de Damas D'Antigny, Comtess de Simiane. " 1783, I received a visit from M. de La Lafayette; he came to my house for the sole purpose of seeing a portrait I was painting of the pretty Mme de Simiane, whom they say he was taking care of at the time..."Vigée Le Brun. She married Charles Francois Comte de Simiane and was a close friend to Lafayette.

Princess Maria Josefa Hermenegilde, as Ariadne - 1793
oil on canvas, 87 x 62-5/8 in
Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna
Portrait of the 25 year-old Princess Maria Josefa Hermenegilde von und zu Liechtenstein (1768-1845), Wife of Prince Nikolas II Esterhazy von Galantha, as Ariadne on Naxos. Daughter of Prince Franz Josef I of Liechtenstein. Vigée Le Brun painted this while staying in Vienna in 1793. View a detail image. This picture marked the artist's departure from Rococo painting. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition.View the plate from the exhibition.

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