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Prince Lubomirski - 1814
oil on canvas, 110 x 84.5 cm Hermitage
A gift from the artist. Transferred from panel in 1893. Allegory of the Genius of Alexander I. Prince
Heinrich Lubomirski. Received by the Hermitage in 1814 as a gift from Vigée
Le Brun.
Mohammed Dervisch Khan - 1788
oil on canvas Marnier-Lapostolle Collection, France
The Ambassador of the Sultan of Mysore, Mohammed Dervisch Khan, his father Mohammed Osam Khan and Akbar Ali Khan were ambassabors sent from India by Emperor Tipu-Saïb. They arrived in Paris on 11 October 1788. Their task was to conclude an offensive
and defensive alliance with the King, Louis XVI. They requested arms and French troops to help them run the English out of India. Their mission was
not successful and Tipu-Saïb brought his ambassadors back to Maïssour
and avenged their failure by having them beheaded. Read Vigée Le Brun's story of this painting. Read more about the ambassadors important visit to Paris. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition.
Melanie de Rochechoüart - 1789
oil on canvas, oval, 72.4 x 57.2 cm, 28 x 22.5 in Kunstmuseum, Lucerne, Switzerland
Melanie de Rochechouart, Marquise D'Aumont, Duchesse De Piennes
The Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) operation in German-occupied France removed this painting from the Collection of Caroline Stern in Paris between 1940-1944. There is no information available to indicate whether Ms. Stern recovered the painting after the war. This information comes from the National Archives, College Park, MD. Record Group 260, Microfilm collection No. M1943, Reel 13. The painting was sold in 1978 so it is possible that the owner recovered the artwork after the War, and that the sale was legitimate.
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