Portraits of Julie Le Brun (1780 - 1819) by her Mother

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A Shory Biography of Julie Le Brun
1786 1786178717871787

Self portrait with daughter Julie -1786
Age 6. oil on canvas, 105 x 84 cm, The Louvre, Paris.
Julie Le Brun - 1786
oil on canvas, 34 x 29.5 cm
Julie at the age of 6 or 7.
Julie Le Brun with Mirror - 1787
Age 7. Potrait of Julie Le Brun with a mirror. One of two versions. Oil on canvas, 73 x 60.3 cm, Private collection, France
Julie Le Brun with Mirror - 1787
Age 7. Potrait of Julie Le Brun with a mirror. One of two versions.
Oil on canvas, 73 x 59.5 cm, Wrightsman Collection
Julie Le brun with Bible - 1787
Age 7. Oil on canvas, Private collection, New York
Vigee-Le Brun with her daughter Julie - 1789
Age 9. oil on canvas. 121 x 90 cm, The Louvre, Paris
Copy of Rome Self Portrait-1790
The subject of the painting in this copy is her daughter Julie at age 10. The subject of the original was Marie Antoinette. The Earl of Bristol met Vigee in Italy. Captivated by her beauty, he commissioned her to paint his portrait and to make a copy of her own portrait being completed for the Uffizi. . Oil on canvas. Ickworth House, Suffolk (National Trust)
Julie Lebrun-1798
Painted in Italy. Oil on Canvas, 17-1/4" x 13-3/4"
Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna
Vigee Le Brun visited Parma, Bologna, Turin and Florence in 1789, returning in 1792 after spending 1790-91 in Rome and Naples. It is possible that this was painted on her second trip, in 1792, but it seems more likely that it was done when she was elected to the Academy of Bologna on 3 November 1798."In gratitude towards the Bolognese, one of her hosts in Italy, she presented them with a portrait of Julie Le Brun."- Goodden. Vigee Le Brun lists this painting as "1 Small portrait for the Institute of Bologna".
The Bather - 1792
oil on canvas, 72 x 55 cm. Youssoupoff Collection, Petrograd
This is a painting of her daughter Julie at age 12 .
Portrait of Julie - 1792
oil on canvas, Galleria Nazionale, Parma
" As soon as I had returned to Parma, where I had spent so little time previously en route to Rome, I was welcomed as a member of their academy and I donated a small portrait of my daughter which I had just completed." - Chapter VIII
Julie Le Brun - 1798
Age 18. Oil on canvas, Collection Tatiana Zoubov, Geneva.

Julie LeBrun as Flora-1799
Age 19. Oil on canvas
Flora is the goddess of flowers and of blooming vegetation and the beloved of Zephyrus, the wind.
Julie Le Brun - date?
oil on canvas
Saint Genevieve - 1821
Oil on Canvas
Saint Genevieve painted for the Louvecienne Chapel.The painting is now in the Museum of the town of Louveciennes, France. The face of the saint is a portait of Julie aged 12 or so and made as a posthumous tribute to her child who died in 1819.

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