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Vigée Le Brun's paintings can be found in over 100 museums in 20 countries. This is an updated list of Museums with Vigée Le Brun's paintings. The original list appeared in the Kimbell Art Museum's 1982 exhibition Vigée Le Brun catalogue. The list has been updated. Corrections and updates are welcome.



Phoenix Art Museum:
     1791 Madame Victoire de France

University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson:
    1793 Countess von Schönfeld and Her Daughter


The Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT
     1787 Yolande Gabrielle Martine, Duchess of Polignac, (Art Page 54)


Apollo Fine Arts Museum:
     1793 Countess Kagenek as Flora

J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles:
     1785 Victoire Pauline de Riquet de Caraman, Vicomtesse de Vaudreuil

Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena:
     1793 Theresa, Countess Kinsky

California Palace of Legion of Honor, San Francisco :
     ???? Copy after vlb of 1785 "Bacchante" [Original at Musée Nissim de Camondo, Paris]
     1791 Hyacinthe Gabrielle Rolande (Countess of Mornington, afterwards marchioness of

Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San marino, California:
     ???? Copy after vlb, of "princess Pélagie Potocka," attributed to Auguste Louis
          Jean-Baptiste Rivière.

District of Columbia

National Gallery of Art, Washington:
     1787 marquise de Pezay, marquise de Rougé and her Sons (Caroline de Murat, and
          Nathalie-Victorienne de Mortemart, with her sons Alexis-Bonabes and Adrien de Rougé)
     1789 Portrait of a Lady (marquise de Fresnes d’Aguesseau?)

Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington:
     1782 Mme Du Barry [Perhaps in the process of being sold]
     ???? "Aniela Angélique Czartoriski, née Radziwill" [The museum refuses to answer
          enquiries as to whether they still own this painting.]

National Museum of Women in the Arts:
     1798 Princess Anna Grigorievna Belosselsky-Belozersky, née Kositzky
     1801? Sketchbook with 38 Portrait Drawings of Women and Children of the Russian Court
     1817 Portrait of a Young Boy


Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg:
     ca. 1799 Julie Le Brun as Flora


Indianapolis Museum of Art:
      1776 Prince of Nassau

Indiana University Art Museum:
     1803 Mrs. William (margaret) Chinnery, née Tresilian

Snite Museum of Art, Notre Dame University, South Bend:
     1786 marguerite Baudard de Saint James, marquise de Puységur, dressed as milkmaid


New Orleans Museum of Art:
     ca. 1788 Queen marie Antoinette ("en robe de velours bleu")


Baltimore Museum of Art:
     1796 Princess Anna Alexandrovna Galitzin, née Princess Grudzinsk (Mme. de Litzine during
          her first marriage.)


Boston Museum of Fine Arts:
     ca. 1772 Standing Woman Holding a Sheet of Music (The Artist’s Mother?)
     1797 Portrait of a Woman (Countess Vorontzov?)

Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown:
     1785 Bacchante


Minneapolis Institute of Arts:
     1793 Countess maria Theresia Bucquoi, née Paar


St. Louis Art Museum:
     1769? Etienne Vigée, the Artist’s Brother

Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas City:
     1784 marie-Gabrielle de Gramont, Duchesse de Caderousse

New York

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City:
Visit Vigée Le Brun at the MET
     1783madame Catherine-Noële Worlée Grand, later Princess de Talleyrand-Périgord
     1787 Alexandre Charles Emmanuel d’Uzès, the Bailli de Crussol-Florensac
     1789 Comtesse de La Châtre

Pierpont Morgan Library:
     1800? Self portrait

North Carolina

North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh:
     1793? Portrait of a young girl
     1795-97 Ivan Ivanovitch Chouvaloff


Cincinnati Art Museum:
     1793? “Portrait of a Young Woman Playing the Lyre" [This seems to be a signature copy of
          Sophia Fries, the Future Countess Haugwitz, playing a lyre as Sappho,” which is
          located at the National Castle Museum of Jaromerice, Czech Republic. Baillio suggested
          that the sitter wasn't Sophia Fries, though his reason is unknown to us.]

Columbus Museum of Art:
     1800 Varvara Ivanovna Ladomirsky, later Narychkin

Toledo Museum of Art:
     1784 Lady Folding a Letter (? The Comtesse de Cérès)
     1792? Isabella marini


Kimbell Art Museum, Ft. Worth:
      1781-82 Self Portrait" (aux rubans cerise)


Utah Museum of Fine Arts:
     1799 Princess Eudocia Ivanovna Galitzine, née Izmailov (as Flora)
     1797 Elizabeth Vladimirovna, Countess Chouvaloff


Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond:
     1784 The Comte de Vaudreuil


Museo de Arte de Ponce:
     1785? Comtesse de Chastenay


Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna:
     1778 marie Antoinette, (wearing white satin
      ???? Countess Urbana as Flora

Belvedere, Vienna:
     1815 Lady in Napoleonic Dress



Musées Communaux, Verviers:
     ???? "Self portrait"


National Castle Museum of Jaromerice:
     1793? "? Sophia Fries, the Future Countess Haugwitz, playing a lyre as Sappho ?" [A copy is
          in the Cincinnati Art Museum, and they have retitled it to "portrait of a Young Woman
          Playing a Lyre," after Baillio gave his opinion that the sitter wasn't Sophia Fries.]


Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of Birmingham:
     1797-1800 Countess Varvara Nikolaevna Golovin, née Princess Galitzine

Brighton Art Gallery:
     ???? "Self-portrait"

National Trust, Waddesdon manor, Buckinghamshire:
     1783? Yolande Gabrielle martine de Polastron, Duchesse de Polignac

National Trust, Polesden Lacey, Dorking, Surrey:
     Anonymous copy of 1769? "Etienne Vigee, the Artist’s Brother" [Original is in St. Louis
          Art Museum.]

National Trust, Ickworth, Suffolk:
     1790 Self Portrait
     1791 Frederick Augustus Hervey, 4th Earl of Bristol and Bishop of Derry

National Trust, Sevenoaks, Knole, Kent:
     1803 Arabella Diana, Duchess of Dorset

Heinz Archive and Library, National Portrait Gallery, London:
     Jean Baptiste Pierre Le Brun [Miniature; perhaps after vlb, though she never
          mentions painting her husband.]

National Gallery, London:
     1782 Self Portrait (with straw hat)
     1788 Alexandrine Emilie Brongniart

Wallace Collection, London:
     1786 Le Petit d’Espagnac
     1789 madame Adélaïde Perrégaux

Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight:
     1790-91 Emma Hamilton as Bacchante

Windsor Castle Royal Collection:
     1784? Charles Alexandre de Calonne [Sometimes on loan to other museums.]


Fyvie Castle, Aberdeenshire:
     1783-86? Self Portrait


Musée des Beaux-Arts, Alençon:
     "La Princess de Polignac"

Collection Comte de Paris, Fondation Saint Louis, Château d’Amboise:
     1789 Louise marie Adélaïde de Penthièvre, The Duchesse d’Orléans

Musée d’Angers:
     1779 Innocence Taking Refuge in the Arms of Justice

Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux:

Collection of the marquis de Moustier, Château de Bournel:
     Half-length studio copy of 1788 "Queen marie Antoinette ("en robe de velours bleu")"
          [Original at Musée National du Château de Versailles.]

Brissac collection, Château de Brissac:
     1778 Louis-Hercule Timoleon de Cossé, duc de Brissac

Musée des Beaux-Arts, Caen:
     1775 "portrait of a young girl"

Chambéry, Musée Savoisien:
     1808 Le Mont-Blanc

Condé Chantilly:
     copy of 1790 "maria Theresa, later Empress of Austria" [Original is at Museo e Gallerie
          Nazionali di Capodimonte, Naples.]
     copy of 1790 maria Luisa Amelie, later Grand Duchesse of Tuscany" [Original is at
          Museo e Gallerie Nazionali di Capodimonte, Naples.]
     copy of 1790 maria Carolina, Queen of Naples [The original was lost in a fire. Signature copies are at the Museo del Prado and Condé Chantilly. It is uncertain which copy is represented by
          this particular image.]

Musée des Beaux-Arts, Chartres:
     "La comtesse du Cluzel"

marquis de la Guiche, Château de Chaumont:
     1783 "marquise de la Guiche as a Milkmaid"

Musée Jeanne d’Aboville, La Fére:
     1791 madame Adélaïde de France

Musée Fragonard, Grasse:
     Mme de Castellane

Musée des Beaux-Arts, Le Havre:
    "A woman"

Museum of Louveciennes:
     1821 "Saint Geneviève"

Musée de Longchamp, marseilles:
     Copy after vlb is on deposit from Musée National du Château de Versailles, of 1789
          "Louise marie Adélaïde de Penthièvre, The Duchesse d’Orléans" [Original is
          owned by Collection Comte de Paris, Fondation Saint Louis, Château d’Amboise.]

Musée Fabre, Montpellier:
     1795-1801? Grand Duchess Elisaveta Alexeevna, later Empress of Russia (Consort of
          Alexander I). [Original is in the Collection of the Princess of Hesse Darmstadt, Castle of

Musée des Beaux-Arts, Orléans:
     1780 Mme Lesould

Collection marquis de Lastic, Château de Parentignat:
     1786 Louis-Charles, duc de Normandie
     1786 Sophie-Hélène-Béatrix de France, asleep in her cradle

Galerie Cailleux, Paris [Commercial gallery; are these works still there?]:
     ca. 1772 The Children of the Baronne D’Esthal
     1778 My head

Musée Carnavalet, Paris:
     1784-85 Nicolas Beaujon

Musée Cognacq-Jay, Paris:
     1774 marie-Louise-Adélaïde-Jacquette de Robien
     1783-85 Portrait of a Dancer
     ???? Femme en haute coiffe d'organdie

Hôtel Drouot, Paris: (Auction house; is this work in their permanent collection?)
     1780 "Venus Binding the Wings of Cupid"

Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris:
     1790 Countess Ecaterina Vassilievna Skavronskaya, née Engelhardt

Musée de Louvre, Paris:
     1778 Joseph Vernet
     1780 Peace Bringing Back Abundance
     1785 Girl Crowned with Roses
     1786 madame Molé-Raymond
     1786 Self-Portrait with her Daughter (maternal tenderness)
     1788 The Artist Hubert Robert
     1789 Self Portrait with Daughter (à la Grecque)
     1789 Dauphin Louis Charles playing with a yo-yo [emigrette] [Attributed to vlb]
     1789? Mme Pierre Rousseau with her Daughter
     1793? Count Moriz Fries
     1796 Countess Ecaterina Vassilievna Skavronskaya, née Engelhardt
     ???? A girl

Musée Nissim de Camondo, Paris:
     1785 Bacchante
     1788 Mme Geneviève Sophie Le Coulteux du Molay

Musee des Beaux Arts, Rouen:
     1805 Giuseppina Grassini in the role of Zaïra

Musée Municipal, Saint-Germain-en-Laye:
     1780 "madame de Saint Hubert"

Comte Jean-François de Roussy de Sales, Château de Thorens, Thorens-Glieres:
     1787-88 marquise de Grollier

Musée des Augustins, Toulouse:
     1785 Baronne de Crussol

Musée des Beaux-Arts, Troyes:
     1830 Comtesse de Bossencourt

Musée National du Château de Versailles:
     1775 Jean de La Bruyère
     1775 "André Cardinal de Fleury"
     copy of 1778 "marie Antoinette (wearing white satin "robe à paniers")"[Original is in
          Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.]
     1779 Alexandre marie Leonor de Saint-mauris, prince de Montbarrey
     1782 madame Elisabeth of France
     1782 madame Elisabeth of France [unsure if this is at Versailles]
     ???? madame Elisabeth
     1783 marie Antoinette, ("à la rose")
     ???? marie Antoinette
     1784 madame Royale and the Dauphin Louis Joseph
     1785 Antoinette-Elisabeth-marie d’Aguesseau, Comtesse de Ségur
     1785 "charles-Louis-Philippe de Ségur"
     1785 André-Ernest-Modeste Grétry
     1787 Queen marie Antoinette and Her Children
     1788 Queen marie Antoinette ("en robe de velours bleu")
     ca. 1788 "Queen marie Antoinette ("en robe de velours bleu")," drawing
     copy after vlb of 1789 "Louise marie Adélaïde de Penthièvre, The Duchesse d’Orléans"
          [Original is owned by Collection Comte de Paris, Fondation Saint Louis, Château
     1789 Philippe Henri, marquis de Ségur
     1789? "Baron de Breteuil"
     copy (by vlb?, or anonymous?) of 1791 "madame Adélaïde de France" [Original is at
          Musée Jeanne d’Aboville, La Fére.]
     1791 Giovanni Paisiello
     1797 Stanislaus II Augustus Poniatowski, King of Poland
     1806 Caroline Murat with her daughter, Letizia
     1807 "marie Caroline, Queen of Naples," Versailles. [Perhaps this is a copy of vlb’s
          portrait of 1791, which was destroyed by fire. Small oil on panel copies exist at
          Museo del Prado, madrid, and Condé Chantilly, France.]

Musee Lauibinet, Versailles:
     Copy by Eugénie Tripier Le Franc of vlb’s 1789-1820 "Mme Du Barry." [Original is in
          a private collection.]


Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin:
     1786 Comtesse de Sabran et Pontevès
     1801 Louise Agusta von Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of Prussia

Gemäldegalerie, Berlin:
     1788 The Young Prince Lubomirski as the Genius of Fame

Kurpfalzisches Museum, Heidelberg:
     "A woman"

Collection Princesse de Hesse-Darmstadt, Château de Wolfsgarten:
     1783 marie Antoinette, ("en gaulle")
     1795-1801? "Grand Duchess Elisaveta Alexeevna, later Empress of Russia, consort of
          Alexander I"

Collection of the Prince of Hesse and the Rhine:
     1783 "marie Antoinette"


Esterhazy-Plettenberg Grofine Arcképe [Not listed or mentioned by vlb. Perhaps in
     a museum in Budapest.]


Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna:
     1789 Julie Le Brun, looking over her shoulder

Uffizi, Florence:
     1790 Self Portrait (painting marie Antoinette)

Museo e Gallerie Nazionali di Capodimonte, Naples:
     1790 "maria Theresa, later Empress of Austria"
     1790 maria Luisa Amelie, later Grand Duchesse of Tuscany"
     1790 Francesco di Borbone, later King of the Two Sicilies (color detail)
     1790 maria Cristina, future Queen of Sardinia
     ???? "marie-Clementina of Austria, Queen of the Two Sicilies"

Museo Storico Musicale, Naples:
     "domenico Cimarosa"

Palazzo Reale, Naples:
     "marie-Clementina of Austria, Queen of the Two Sicilies" [Attributed.]

Galleria Nazionale, Parma:
     1792 Julie Le Brun, wearing a wreath of roses

Academy of St. Luke, Rome:
     1789-90 Self Portrait

Galleria Sabauda, Turin:
     1792 Daughter of Engraver Porporati


Possession of Fursten Liechtenstein (location uncertain):
Princess maria Josefa Hermenegilde von Esterhazy of Liechtenstein, as Ariadne


Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam:
     1793-94 Yolande Gabrielle martine, Duchess of Polignac


Musée au Palais de Nieborów:
     1802 Helena Czartoryska, née Radziwill

National Museum, Wroclaw:
     Copy after vlb of 1791 "Anna, Comtesse Potocka" [Original is in a private collection.]

National Museum, Warsaw:
     Copy after vlb of 1793 "prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski" [Original is in a private
     1808 Countess Wincentowa Potocka
     ???? "A woman"


National Museum of Art, Bucharest:
     1772 ? Mme d’Aguesseau ?


Pushkin Museum, Moscow:
     1793-95 Naiads [A study for Amphion Playing the Lyre,” which is in a private collection
          in France.]
     1796 Princess Alexandra Petrovna Galitzine, née Protassov, with her nephew
     1798 Countess Sofia Vladimirovna Stroganov, née Princess Galitzine
     1801? Serene Princess Ecaterina Iljinishna Koutousov-Smolensky, née Countess Bibikov
     1806 Lady with Lyre

Hermitage, St. Petersburg:
     1788 Young Prince Lubomirski
     1793 Baron and later Count Grigory Alexandrovich Stroganov
     1793 Count Grigory Ivanovich Chernyshev Holding a mask
     1795-97 Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna, and Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna
          (Daughters of Paul I)
     1796 "Grand Duchess Elisaveta Alexeevna, later Empress of Russia, consort of Alexander I"
          (full length, arranging flowers in a basket)
     1796-97 Countess Anna Sergeevna Stroganova and Her Son
     1797 Countess Ecaterina Sergeevna Somoilov, née Princess Troubetzkoy
     1797 Prince Alexander Borissovich Kourakin
     1800 Self-portrait
     1800 "Empress maria Fedorovna, consort of Paul I" [In storage for decades.]
     ???? "Allegory of the Genius of Alexander"


Museum of Western and Oriental Art, Kiev:
     1797 Stanislaus II Augustus Poniatowski, King of Poland


National Gallery, Ljubljana:
     1797? Elisabeth Isabella Mniszech holding a dog


Francesc Cambó collection, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona:
     1788-90 Portrait of a girl [Baillio doesn’t believe this is by vlb.]

Museo del Prado, madrid:
     1791 maria Carolina, Queen of Naples [The original was lost in a fire. Signature copies
          are at Museo del Prado and Condé Chantilly. It is uncertain which copy is represented
          by this particular image.]


National Museum, Stockholm:
     1811-14 Flora
     1781 Ernestine Frederique, Princess de Croy


Kunstmuseum, Bern:
     Autograph copy of 1796 "countess Ecaterina Vassilievna Skavronskaya, née
          Engelhardt" [Original is at Musée de Louvre, Paris.]
     1808-09 Das Alphirtenfest in Unspunnen

Musée des Beaux-Arts, Geneva:
     1808-09 Mme de Staël as Corinne

Fondation Tatiana Zuboff, Geneva:
     1798? Julie Le Brun Playing a Guitar

Kunstmuseum, Lucerne:
     1789 Melanie de Rochechoüart, marquise d’Aumont, La duchesse de Piennes

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