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Vigée Le Brun's Tomb
in Louveciennes France

Artist Francis Kelly and his wife Martha a teacher, two of the team of originators of this site, visited Vigée Le Brun's grave in Louveciennes in early May 2000. Here is there story of the visit.

"We had a fortunate encounter with a Louveciennes inhabitant who very kindly led us right to the aquaduct, graveyard, and the actual tomb. It was very moving to be on the site which was tranquil and beautiful. Louveciennes is in a lovely setting and we can imagine she enjoyed her last days there. The Rue vigee LeBrun was in the opposite direction, so we were unable to take the photo we hoped to."

From the end of the
1922 vigee Le Brun Biography
By Haldane MacFall

At five of the morning of the 30th of March 1842, she died in her apartment at No. 29 Rue St. Lazare, in her eighty-seventh year; and was buried according to her wish at Louveciennes, where, in the church, still hangs the picture of "Ste. Genevieve" painted by her. Even her poor dead body could not sleep where she had willed; she was destined to gentle exile even after death. Her remains were moved to the new cemetery, and the simple tomb was again set up over them, whereon one may see a palette and brushes chiseled at its summit, and the grim words:

"Here, at last, I rest."


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