Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun (1755-1842)

Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun
Self Portrait - 1781
Kimbell Art Museum
Ft. Worth, TX

The Artist:
Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun knew and painted the portraits of just about every prominent figure in Europe and Russia from approximately 1770 to 1835.

As a Royalist, Vigée Le Brun fled France at the outset of the revolution. She lived in exile for 12 years traveling across Europe while increasing her fame and fortune. During her travels she became a member of the Academies of Florence, Rome, Bologna, St Petersburg and Berlin. Vigée Le Brun was one of the most in demand portrait artists of her time. She completed over 900 paintings including 700 portraits.

Other Work By the Artist:
Countess Golovin
Marie Antoinette
Self Portrait
Baroness Crussol

Links to the Artist:
The Art of Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun
Books on Vigée Le Brun
Vigée Le Brun's Master Painting List
The1982 Kimbell Exhibition Catalog

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