A Chronology of the Paintings of

1768-1772 | 1773 | 1774 | 1775 | 1776 | 1777 | 1778 | 1779 | 1780 | 1781
1782 | 1783 | 1784 | 1785 | 1786 | 1787 | 1788 | 1789 | 1790(ROME)
1790-1791(NAPLES) | 1791(TURIN) | 1791(VENICE)
1792-1795(VIENNA) | 1795(DRESDEN) | 1795-1801(RUSSIA)
1801(BERLIN) | 1802-1805(ENGLAND)
1805 and later(PARIS) | MISC PICTURES

Vigée Le Brun's Home Page | Index to Art Pages | Vigée Le Brun's Gallery
Charles Stein's Master Painting List

This is an updated and annotated version of the list of paintings that appear in the Appendix of Vigee Le Bruns Memoirs. Vigee Le Brun's catalog of her works was the main source of information. I have added dates and paintings to this list. All new information in the list appears in brackets [ ]. The added information was provided by individuals, museum catalogs and from books on the artist. Any inputs or corrections to this list are welcome. For additional detailed historical information on each painting on this site check out Charles Stein's master painting list.

FROM 1768 TO 1772
1 Mme. Lebrun's mother [Jeanne massin], large pastel and Page 98
1 The same, back view and Page 98
2 Mme. Lebrun's brother as a schoolboy and Page 7
1 M. Le Sevre [artists step father] and Page 98
3 M., Mme. and Mlle. Bandelaire
1 M. Bandelaire, half length pastel
1 M. Vandergust
1 Mlle. Lebrun's mother in white cloak
1 Mme. Raffeneau
1 Baroness d'Esthal
2 Her two children and Page 102
1 Mme. d'Aguesseau with her dog
[Countess Hundstein-1772] and Page 131
1 Mme. Suzanne
1 Countess de la Vieuville
[alady12.jpg] and Page 127
1 M. Mousat
1 Mlle. Mousat
La Fillette a la Charlotte Blanche - 1768-72 and Page 70
1 Mlle. Lespare
2 Mme. de Fossy and her son
2 Viscount and Viscountess de la Blache and Page 163
[Prince Alexander Alexeewich Viazemski - 1772] and Page 102
1 Mlle. Dorion
1 M. Tranchart
[Mme Mouchy - 1772] and Page 63
1 marquis de Choiseul
1 Count de Zanicourt
[j. B. LeMoyne, the sculptor 1772-78] and Page 78
[Son of j.B.Le Moyne, the sculptor-1772] and Page 102
Studies of heads and copies from Rafael, Van Dyck, Rembrant, ect.

1 M. and Mme. de Roissy
1 M. de la Fontaine [and Mme.de la Fontaine]
1 Count Du Barry
5 Count de Geoffre
1 marshal de Stainville
3 Mme. de Bonneuil (portrait 1. Page 112), (portrait 2. Page 126)
1 Mme. de Saint-Pays
1 Mme. Paris
1 M. Perrin
2 Copy of marquis de Verac
1 An American Lady
1 Mme Thilorie, half length and Page 177
1 Copy of the same
1 Mme Tetare
1 Copy of the Bishop of Beauvais
1 M. de Vismes
1 M. Pernon
1 Mlle. Dupetitoire
1 Mlle. Baillot
[A Lady-1773] and Page 112

1 Abbe Giroux and Page 78
1 Little Roissy and Page 188
1 Copy of Chancellor d'Aguesseau
1 Copy of M. de la marche
1 Mme. Damerval
1 Count de Brie
1 Mme. maingat
1 Baronness de Lande
Lady with Guitar - 1774 and Page 36
1 Mme Le Normand
1 Mme de la Grange
1 M. Meraut
1 Viscount de Boisjelin
1 M. de Saint-malo
1 M. Desmarets
1 Countess d'Harcourt
2 Mlle. de saint-Brie and Mlle. de Scence
1 Countess de Gontault
1 Mlle. Robin
1 M. de Borelly
1 M. de Momanville
[Robert Jacques Benet de Montcarville] and Art Page 103
2 The Rossignol sisters
1 Mme. de Belgarde and Art Page 77

1 Mme. de Monville with her child
1 Mme. Denis
1 Count Schouvaloff
1 Count de Langeas
1 Mme. Monge
1 Mme Tabari
1 Mme de Fougeraait
1 Mme de Jumilhac
1 marquise de Roncherol
1 Prince de [Rohan] Rochefort and Art Page 63
1 Mlle de Rochefort
[1 Jean de la Bruyère] and Art Page 46
1 M de Livoy Livois] and Art Page 103
1 Mme de Ronsy
1 M de Monville
1 Mlle de Cosse
1 Mme Augeard and Art Page 91
1 Copy of Mme Damerval [original-1774]
1 Mme Deplan
1 M Caze
1 M Goban
1 Mlle de Rubec
1 M de Roncherol
1 Prince de Rohan, the elder
1 Prince Julius de Rohan
1 M Ducluzel
2 Count and Countess de Cologand
1Mlle Julie, who married Talma
1 Mme Courville
1 marquise de Gerac
1 Mme de Laborde
1 Mlle de Givris
1 Mlle de Ganiselot
1 M de Veselay

1 Princess de Caron
1 marquis de Chouart
1 Prince de Montbarry
1 Baron Gros, painter, as a child
1 Princess de Talleyrand and Art Page 65
1 Count des Deux-Ponts
1 Mme de Montbarry
1 A banker
2 M and Mme Toullier
1 Princess d'Arenberg
[Self Portrait - 1776] and Art Page 39
1 M de Saint-Denis
12 Monsieur, the King's brother
2 M [Pierre] and Mme [margeurite] de Valesque and Art Page 49
1 Little Vaubal
1 mme de Lamoignon and Art Page TBD
4 M de Savalette
1 Prince of Nassau and Art Page 30
1 Mme de Brente
1 Lady Berkely
1 Mme Saulot [Sanlot] and Art Page 171
[1 Mme Saulot] [Sanlot]
1 Countess Potocka
2 Mme de Verdun [painting #1] and Art Page 85, [painting #2] and Art Page 66
1 Mme de Montmorin
1 daughter of Mme de Montmorin

1 marquis de Crevecoeur
1 baron de Vombal
1 Mme Perrin
1 M Oglovi
[Caroline Lalive de la Briche-1777] and Art Page 84
1 M Saint-Hubert
1 Mme de Nolstein and Art Page xx
[Victoire de Bavillers, Comtesse de Bernon de Montélégier] and Art Page 46
1 Mlle D'Artois and Art Page 124
1 Mme Le Normand
1 M de Finnel
[A Woman] and Art Page 127
1 M de Lange
1 Mme de Montlegiets
1 Mme de la Fargue

1 Duchess de Chartres and Art Page 110
1 Mme de Teuilly
1 M de Saint-Priest, ambassador
2 M and Mme Dailly
2 M and Mme Domival
1 Mme Monge
1 Mme Degeraudot
1 marquis de Cosse [Louis duc de Brissac] and Art Page 90
Duc de Brissac and Art Page 104
1 marquis de Ponse
1 Monsieur, the King's brother and Art Page 149
1 marquise de Montemey
1 Mme de Foissy
[Henri Cain] The actor Lekain and Art Page 104
2 The Brongniart children [Mlle Brongniart]
1 M de Ronnomanovski
1 Mme de Roissy
[marie Antoinette - 1778] and Art Page 151
1 Mme de Bec de Lievre
1 Copy of Portrait of the Queen and Art Page 31
2 madame,[painting 1] on Page 85, and [painting 2], Page 149 wife of Monsieur [Kings Brother 1marie Louise de Savoie-1778] and [painting 1 - 1782 copy] on Page 125. View the Comtesse de Provence Page
1 Copy of portrait of Mme. Du Barry
1 Mlle Lamoignon
1 Head of Mme Vigee Le Brun and Art Page 25
1 Copy of portrait of marie Antoinette and Art Page 150
1 Mme Filorier

1 marquis de Vrague
1 Countess de Virieu
1 Mme Richard
1 mme de Monge
1 Large portrait of the Queen for the Empress of Russia and Art Page 5
2 Half-length portraits of marie Antoinette
2 Copies of the same
1 Mme de Savigny
2 Copies of the same
1 Mme de Savigny
2 The same with her son
2 M and Mme de Lastic
[A Child - 1779] and Art Page 146
1 Woman as a Jewess for M de Cosse
1 Mme Dicbrie
2 Copies of Busts of marie Antoinette
[marie Antoinette-1779-89] and Art Page 65
2 Mme Du cluzel, Portrait 1, Portrait 2, and Art Page 164
1 Mme de Verdun and Art Page 117
1 Countess de Dorsen, the younger
[marie Antoinette-1779-89] and Art Page 91
2 M and Mme de Monterquiou
1 Portrait of the Queen, for M de Sartines
1 Mme de Palerme
1 A little American
1 Mlle de la Ferte1 Head, looking down, for M. de Cosse and Art Page 111
1 Duke d'Orleans and Art Page 105
1 marquise de Montesson
2 Copies of the Duke d'Orleans
2 Copies of the large portrait of marie Antoinette for M. de Vergennes
1 Mme de Vannes
1 Countess de Tournon
1 Prince de Montbarrey and Art Page 29

1 Mme Lessout and Art Page 93
1 Large picture of marie Antoinette
1 The same
[1 Peace bringing back Abundance -1780] French Academy Induction (1783) piece and Art Page 3
[Study of a head - 1780 for Peace bringing back Abundance -1780] and Art Page 14
4 Mme de Verdun and family
1 Mme de Montesquiou
1 Venus binding the wings of Love [1780] and Art Page 52
1 Mme de Montaudran
[Mme de Saint Huberty] and Art Page 155
1 Mme Foulquier
2 Mme Genty
1 Duchess de mazarin

1 Young girl smelling a rose
1 Mme Young
1 Count de Cosse
1 Princess de Croyes and Art Page 95
1 Mme de Saint-Alban and Art Page 26
1 M de Landry
[Self Portrait #1 (Private collection) and Art Page 45]
[Self Portrait #2 (Kimbell Art Museum, Texas) and Art Page 1]
1 Monsieur, brother of the King
1 Copy of same
1 Duchess de Chaulnes
1 Mme Dumoley
1 M Dumoley, the younger
1 Countess Du BarryArt Page 43 [French private collection]
1 Sketch for a picture of Juno
1 Venus, study of a head
1 Mme d'Harvelay
5 Studies of heads
2 Mmle de Laborde
1 Mlle Devaronv
1 Mme Moreton
1 Copy of M Moreton
1 Mme de la Porte
3 Princess Lamballe, [Princess Lamballe Pastel] and Art Page 100,
[Princess Lamballe] and Art Page 153.

1 madame, sister of the King and Art Page 42]
1 Copy of same[oval] and Art Page 71
[1 Mme Elisabeth de France] and Art Page 71
[1 Mme Elisabeth de France] and Art Page 94
[Mme Elisabeth de France] and Art Page 128
[Mme Elisabeth de France] and Art Page 145
[Self Portrait in straw hat - 1782(Private collection) and Art Page 47]
[Self Portrait in Straw hat (copy) - 1782(In Straw Hat-National Gallery, London) and Art Page 2]
1 Duchess de PolignacArt Page 54
[1 Countess Kaganek]as Flora]Art Page 26
1 Copy of same
1 Baron de Montesquiou
1 Mme de Verdun
1 Mme de Chatenay
3 Prince Henry of Prussia [1 copy, Frederic Louis-1782]as Flora]Art Page 106

1 marquise de la Guiche and Art Page 147
1 Mme Grant[Mme Grand] and Art Page 8
Mme Grand copy and Art Page 129
1 Landgrave de Salm
1 Mme de mailly and Art Page 154 1 Countess d'Artois
2 Countess de Simiane[1 painting-Diane Adelaide de Damas-1783] and Art Page 50
2 Duchess de Guiche and Art Page 25 , painting #2 and Art Page 126
1 Marie Antoinette with hat and Art Page 12
2 The same in full dress
3 Copies of the Queen with hat [1 of the copies in the Louvre] and Art Page 12
2 Mme Elizabeth, sister of the King
1 Copy of same
1 Mlle Lavigne
4 The Queen in velvet dress and Art Page 32
4 Copies of same
1 The Dauphin
1 Mme Royale, daughter of the King

1 Count de Vandreuil and Art Page 30 [Richmond, Virginia, USA - Museum of Fine Arts] 5 Copies of same [one of the copies] and Art Page 64
1 Countess de Grammont-Caderousse and Art Page 1
1 M Charles-Alexandre de Calonne and Art Page 40
1 Countess de Serre
[1 Marie Antoinette with rose 1783copy of the 1783 portrait] and Art Page 55
[1 Lady Folding a letter ] and Art Page 28
1 M de Beaujon and Art Page 105

1 M de Beaujon
1 Princess de Carignan and Art Page 163
1 Mme Fodi
[Marie Antoinette] and Art Page 150
[Marie Antoinette] and Art Page 128
[Mme Therese Baudan de Russe] and Art Page 97
1 Countess de Segur
1 Copy of same
1 Count de Segur
[Self Portrait Study -1785-86] and Art Page 138
1 Copy of same
[1 La Contesse de Chatenois] and Art Page 15
1 Baroness de Crussol and Art Page 124
[1 Antoinette Elisabeth d ´Aguesseau] and Art Page 41
1 M de Saint-Hermine
1 [Andre Ernest Modeste] Grétry[1785] and Art Page 162
[1 Bacchante with tiger skin -1785] and Art Page 39
[1 Bacchante -1785] and Art Page 7
1 Countess de Clermont-Tonerre and Art Page 90
1 Countess de Virieu and Art Page 154
1 Viscountess de Vaudreuil and Art Page 46
1 Copy [of 1783 portrait]of the Queen in full dress and Art Page 55
1 Copy [#2] of the Queen in full dress and Art Page 31
[1 The two children of marie Antoinette] and Art Page 5
1 Mme [Suzanne] Vigee and Art Page 48
1 Copy of M de Calonne and Art Page 137
1 M de Beaujon and Art Page 105

1 Mme Fouquet's little daughter
1 Mme de Tott
1 Little d'Espagnac and Art Page 21
1 Mme de la Briche's little daughter[1786] and Art Page 84
1 Mme de Puysegur and Art Page 10
1 Mme Raymond
1 Mme Daudelot
[ Julie Le brun - 1786] and Art Page 122
[Louis Charles, duc de Normandie, pastel - 1786], and Art Page 47
[Sophie Hélène Béatrix de France, pastel - 1786],and Art Page 47
1 Davaray
1 Countess de Sabran and Art Page 106
1 Mme Vigee Le Brun and her daughter [Julie] and Art Page 3

1 Mlle Le Brun reading the Bible and Art Page 15
1 Mme de Rouge and two sons and Art Page 8
1 Mme Dugazon, as Nina
[Mme Dugazon] and Art Page 63
1 Cailleau [Caillot], as a huntsman
2 His two children, Son and Daughter and Art Page 107
[1 Mme Mole-Raymond, of the Comedie-Francaise] and Art Page 4[Hermitage]
[Marie Antoinette - 1786-88] and Art Page 122
1 Mlle Le Brun in profile
1 The same, looking at a mirror and Art Page 15
1 Mme de la Grange
1 Marie Antoinette and her children and Art Page 5
[Marie Antoinette] and Art Page 137
1 Mme Vigee Le Brun
2 Countess de Beon [one painting] and Art Page 92
1 M Le Juene
3 The Dauphin [1 copy] and Art Page 110 , madame, and the Duke de Normandie
1 Aunt of Mme Verdun
1 Duchess de Polignac with straw hat [possibly dated 1783] and Art Page 54
1 [Yolande Gabrielle Martine] Duchess de Polignac -1787 and Art Page 186
1 The same singing at a piano -1787 and Art Page 9
1 Mme Du Barry, full length and Art Page 68
[1 Mme Du Barry] and Art Page 138
1 The same, in dressing-gown and Art Page 38
1 Mme de Polignac and Art Page 158
[1 Mme de Polignac]
[1 Alexandre Charles Emmanuel de Crussol-Florensac] and Art Page 2

1 Duke de Polignac and Art Page 96
1 His father
1 [Hubert] Robert, Landscape painter [The Louvre] and Art Page 17
1 Mme Dumoley
1 Mme de la Briche [dated1787] and Art Page 84
[Dauphin Louis XVII - 1789] and Art Page 83
[Dauphin Louis XVII - 1789] and Art Page 143
1 Countess de Beaumont and Art Page 124
[1 Genevieve-spohie le Coulteux du Molay - 1788] and Art Page 40
1 Little Baron d'Escars
1 Little Prince Lubomirski [Portrait of a Prince-1789] and Art Page 4
1 The same, in pursuit of fame [Prince Lubomirski-1788] and Art Page72
1 Little Brongniart and Art Page 3
1 marquise de Grollier and Art Page 61
[1 portrait of marie Antoinette] and Art Page 12
1 Le Bailly de le Guiche, as a dairymaid and Art Page 81
[Mohammed Dervisch Khan - 1788] and Art Page 72
[Portrait of a Girl -1788-90] and Art Page 91
1 Count d'Angevilliers

1 M de Chatelux, from memory and Art Page 106
1 The Duke de Normandie, full-length
1 Mme Peregaux and Art Page 16
1 Mme de Segur, profile and Art Page 137
[1Contesse De Le Chartre] and Art Page 10
1 Large portrait of marie Antoinette for the Baron de Breteuil
Melanie de Rochechoüart [ Rochechouart 1789] and Art Page 72
1 The Duchess de la Rochefoucauld
1 Cupid and Art Page 188
1 Duchess d'Orleans [Louise marie Adelaide de Penthievre - 1789] and Art Page 22
1 Mme Vigee Le Brun and daughter, for M d'Angevilliers
1 Mme de Grollier
1 Le Bailly de Crussol
1 Mme d'Aumont and Art Page 72
[Mme Dietrich - 1789-1800] and Art Page 113
2 Mme de Polignac
[Dauphin, Later Louis XVII] and Art Page 111
2 Mme de Guiche, pastel
1 Mme de Fresne-d'Aguesseau Mme de Laborde and Art Page 8
1 marquise de Grollier
1 marshal de Segur[Philippe Henri, marquis de Ségur -1789] and Art Page 51
1 madame and the Dauphin
1 [Hubert] Robert , the landscape painter [1788] and Art Page 17
1 Mlle Lebrun, small oval
1 Mme Chalgrin and Art Page 155
1 Mme Vigee Le Brun, pastel
1 [Claude] Joseph Vernet , the painter and Art Page 40
1 Prince of Nassau, full length
1 Mme Vigee Le Brun, with daughter [Julie] in arms and Art Page 1
1 Mme Raymond with her child
2 Mme de Simiane
2 Mme Rousseau [ and her daughter, Louvre] and Art Page 16
1 Mme Duvernais
1 Mme de Saint-Alban
1 Mme Savigni
1 Mlle Dorion
1 Mme Du Barry and Art Page 38

1 Mme Vigee Le Brun, for the Academy of LuccaArt Page 20
1 Copy of the same.Art Page 20
[Another Copy of the same].Art Page 122
[Additional Copy of the same].Art Page 129
[1 Mme Vigee Le Brun ] for the gallery at Florence(Art Page 6) and
1 Copyof same, for Lord Bristol. Art Page 6
1 Miss Pitt [1790].Art Page 127
1 Mlle Roland and Art Page 10 [Hyacinthe Gabrielle Roland-other sources date painting in 1791], Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California
1 Mme Silva, a Portuguese
[1Frederick Augustus Hervey] and Art Page 28
1 Countess [Sophie] Potocka and Art Page 95
2 Princesses Adelaide and Victoria, House of Bourbon[1791]
[daughters of Louis XV. One painting of Princess Adelaide on Art Page 67 and One of her sister Princess Marie Louise Therese Victoire on Art Page 42.]

DONE AT NAPLES [1790-1791]
Landscapes, oils and crayons
1 Countess Skavronska - [1789], three-quarter length and Art Page 37
[1 Countess Skavronska - 1790],Countess Ecaterina Vassilievna SkavronskaiaArt Page 64
1 Countess Potocka and Art Page 28
2 The same, half-length
1 Lady Hamilton [then Emma Hart], as AriadneArt Page 17
1 Lady Hamilton, as sibyl, full length and Art Page 27
1 Lady Hamilton , chalk copy of above painting and Art Page 27
1 Lady Hamilton , as a bacchante dancing [dated 1792] and Art Page 36
1 Head of the same as a sibyl
[1 Head of a Young Woman(Lady Hamilton) - 1790] and Art Page 44
1 Princess maria Theresa of Austria [1790], who married Emperor Francis II and Art Page 37
1 Princess maria Louisa, who married the Grand Duke of Tuscany
1 Princess marie-Christine, of Naples and Art Page 82
[Francesco De Borbone-1790] and Art Page 81
1 [Giovanni] Paisiello, composer of Austria [1791] and Art Page 44
1 Prince Resonico [1791] and Art Page 161
1 Lord Bristol, three-quarter length
1 Baliff of Litta [1790] and Art Page 176
1 Queen of Naples , [marie Caroline- 1790] and Art Page 37
[Queen of Naples - copy 2] and Art Page 135
Studies of Vesuvius and several landscapes

DONE AT TURIN [1791] and other places
1 Head [Julie], in oils, for the academy of Parma [dated 1792] and Art Page 71
1 Small portrait for the Institute of Bologna [Julie Le Brun] and Art Page 39
1 Mme de Gourbillon and Art Page 32
1 Her son
[Portrait of a Lady - 1791] and Art Page 89
1 Mlle Le Brun, as a bather [1792?] and Art Page 56
1 Mlle Porporati [daughter of the engraver Porporati, Galleria Sabauda, Torino, Italy1792] and Art Page 69
1 Copy of portrait of Raphael at Florence
Various landscapes from nature

1 Mme marini and Art Page 25

DONE AT VIENNA [1792-1795]
1 Mme Bistri, a Pole and Art Page 89
[ Countess de Bistri] and Art Page 118
1 Mlle de Caquenet
[ Countess Isabella Albrizzi nee Teotochi-1792] and Art Page 139
1 Countess [Theresa] Kinsky [1793], three-quarter length and Art Page 14
1 The same, half-length and Art Page 92
[1 Countess Theresa] Kinsky -1793, three-quarter length and Art Page 107
1 Countess de Buquoi [1793 Minneopolis Instiute of arts] and Art Page 18
1 Countess Rasomovska
1 Countess Palfi [Palffy]
[Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski-1793] and Art Page 82
1 Princess Lichtenstein [Princess Karoline-1793] and Art Page 48
1 Count Strogonoff, half-length
1 The same, hands showing
1 Count Czernicheff [Chernyshev], in black domino and Art Page 26
1 Countess Zamoiska, dancing
1 Baron [Grigori] Strogonoff [Hermitage]-1793 and Art Page 13
1 Young Countess de Fries as Sapho[1793] and Art Page 86
1 Duchess de Guiche in blue turban and Art Page 97
2 Portraits of Prince Schotorinski, one with cloak
1 Mme de Scoenfeld, wife of Saxon Minister, with her child [1793] and Art Page 4
1 Prince Henry Lubomirski, playing on a lyre, with two naiades listening and Art Page 73
1 Princess Lichtenstein, as Iris [Princess Karoline-1793]
1 Princess Esterhazy, sitting by the sea - 1793 and Art Page 50
1 Princess Louise Galitzin , Art Page 14
1 Mme mayerand Art Page 156
1 Little girl bathing
1 Countess Severin Potocka
1 Princess of Wurtemberg [1793] and Art Page xx
1 Small picture for Count Wilsech
[1 Grand Duchess Elisabeth] - 1795 and Art Page 44
1 Countess de Braonne, to the knees
1 Small portrait for Mme de Carpeny
1 Duchess de Polignac, from memory, after her death-1793 and Art Page 53
1 Young Edmund de Polignac
1 Princess Sapieha [née Potocka-1794] and Art Page 69
1 Count Woina, son of the Polish Ambassador and Art Page 175
1 Mlle Caroline Woina, his sister and Art Page 175
1 Young Countess Metzy de Polignac
1 Young Countess Therese de Hardik and Art Page x
[Countess maria Theresa Czernin-1793] and Art Page 70
2 The two brothers of the Duchess de Guiche
1 Brother of Mlle de Fries, half-length
2 Countess de Rombec, half-length
1 Count Julius de Polignac
1 Princess Linovska
1 Lady Guisford
1 The de Choisy sisters
1 Mlle Schoen
1 Agenor, infant son of the Duchess de Polignac
1 His brother, Count de Fries and Art Page 86
1 Countess de Thun
1 Countess d'Harrack
1 Small drawing of the same
1 M de Riviere
1 M. Thomas, architect
1 Countess de Rombec
1 marquis de Riviere
Landscapes near Vienna, from nature

3 Emperor Alexander, copied from portrait done at St Petersburg
1 Daughter of Count Potocka [1798]
1 A German lady

DONE IN RUSSIA [1795-1801]
1 Mme Dimidoff [Demidov] and Art Page 108
1 Princess Mentchikoff, with her child, three-quarter length [1796]
1 Countess Potocka, with dove, reclining and Art Page 116
1 Young Countess Schouvaloff, half-length [1797] and Art Page 9
[La Grande Duchesse Anna Feodorovna - 1795-1801] and Art Page 79
[Count I. I .Schouvaloff and Art Page 16]
[Marfino - 1795-1801] and Art Page 117
Princess Ecaterina Lljinishna Koutousev-Smolensky nee Countess Bibikoz and Art Page 79
Daria Michailovna Opotchinine, nee Princess Koutousov Smolensky and Art Page 99
1 The young Grand Duchesses Yelena and Aleksandra[Emperor Paul's daughters] -1796 and Art Page 13
2 Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alekseyevna [Painting 1], arranging flowers in a basket[1795, Hermitage] and Art Page 150
[Painting 2], and Art Page 155
1 Countess Orloff
1 Marshall Soltikoff [1798], and Art Page 92
2 Grand Duchess Anne, half-length
2 Countess Scavronska, copied from portrait done at Naples
1 Countess [Ann S. ] Stroganova,with her son [Hermitage] and Art Page 29
1 Count [Paul Alexabdrovich] Strogonoff, half-length and Art Page 108
[1 le baron de stroganoff] and Art Page 99
[1 Princess Ecaterina Fedorovna Dolgorouky - 1796] and Art Page 27
[marie Fedorovna Zoubov - 1795] and Art Page 116
4 Countess [Yekaterina] Sammakloff [Samoilova?], with her children[Hermitage]
1 Countess Apraxin [1796] and Art Page 117
Princess Saphieha - 1795 and Art Page 145
1 Princess [Youssoupoff - 1797], three-quarter length and Art Page 18
2 Countess [Irina Ivanovna] Voranxoff [Nee Irina Izmaliov -1 copy] and Art Page 126 her son
[Portrait of a Young Woman - 1797], and Art Page 38
1 Countess Golovin, one hand showing [1798] and Art Page 11
1 Countess Tolstoi, leaning against a rock
2 Princess Alexis Kurakin and her husband [Prince Alexander Borissovich Kourakin -1797] and Art Page 180
1 King Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski II [velvet cloak] - 1797, and Art Page 45
1 King Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski II[Henry IV costume] - 1797, and Art Page 12
1 His great-niece, playing with a little dog and Art Page 92
[1Princess Belozersky - 1798] and Art Page 21
[1Julie Le Brun - 1798] with guitar and Art Page 45
1 Princess Michael Galitzin as Flora [1799] and Art Page 9
[ Julie Le Brun as Flora -1799] and Art Page 7
1 Emperor Alexander I, of Russia [ Allegory of the Genius of Alexander I, Hermitage] and Art Page 72
"1 Empress maria [Fedorovna] of Russia, wife of Emperor Paul and Art Page 164
[1 Princess maria Kochubei, Hermitage]
[1 Count Grigori Chernyshov with a mask in his hand, Hermitage] and Art Page 26
[Self Portrait - 1795-1800] and Art Page 75
2 Countess Diedrichstein and her husband
[1 Countess Catherine Vassilievna Skavronskaia, The Louvre]
1 Princess Bauris Galitzin [1797], three-quarter length and Art Page 18
1 Lord Talbot, half-length [ Charles, the 2nd Earl of Talbot-1798] and Art Page 115
1 Princess Sapieha, withtambour, dancing [1795] and Art Page 85
1 Daughter of Princess Isoupoff [Youssoupoff, 1797]
1 Mme Kutusoff, half-length
1 Mlle Kasisky
1 Princess Alexandra [Golitsyna]-1794, and Art Page 14
[Comtesse Ecaterina Sergeevna Somoilov, nee Princess Troubetzkoy - 1797] and Art Page 88
1 Mme Kalitcheff and Art Page 77
1 Count Potocka
[Mme Charlotte Ritt - 1797] and Art Page 93
[Charlotte Ritt - 1798] and Art Page 88
[Countess Sofia Vladimirovna Stroganov nee Princess Galitzine-1798] and Art Page 88
[Alexandra Alexandrovna Bibikov-1795-1801] and Art Page 109
1 Count Litta and Art Page 176
1 Princess Vaiminski
[1 Countess Isabella Lubomirska Czartoryska - 1799?] and Art Page 22
2 Prince Alexander Kurakin, half-length [Copy #1] and [Copy #2] and Art Page 100
1 Varvara Ivanovna Ladomirsky - 1800 and Art Page 19
[Princess Isabella Lubomirska, nee Czartoryska Lubomirska] and Art Page 109
Princess Daria Alexandrovna Troubetzkoy, nee Countess Roumiantzeff and Art Page 109
1 Mme Vigee Le Brun, in black, to the knees, holding palette,
for Academy of St. Petersburg [Hermitage] -1800 and Art Page 13
[1 Portrait of Queen marie Antoinette - Posthumous ] -1800 and Art Page 31
Monsieur de Solticoff [drawing] -1801 and Art Page 24
Princess Catherine Chikovsky [drawing] -1801 and Art Page 24
Mme Natalia Nakhorovna Kolytechova -1799 and Art Page 54
[Prince Sergey Sergeevich Gargarine ] and Art Page 101
[Princess Praskovia Yourievna Gargarine, nee Princess Troubezkoy] and Art Page 101

2 Pastels of the Queen of Prussia
[Pastel number 1] and Art Page 43
[Pastel number 2]
1 Mme de Souza, Portuguese Ambassadress
[A Boy] and Page 112

DONE IN ENGLAND [1802-1805]
1 Miss Dorset
1 Mrs. [William] Chinnery - 1803 and and Art Page 19
2 Her children
1 Miss Dillon
1 Mme [de Constart de] Villiers and Art Page 118
1 margravine of Anspach
1 Mme Baring
[Katherine Elisabeth Von Russland-1802] and Art Page 86
[Alexander I. Von Russland - 1802] and Art Page 118
1 Prince of Wales [George IV-1803] and Art Page 68
1 Mme de Polastron
[Lord Rosebury, Dalmeny] and Art Page 120
1 Countess Diedrichstein
[Third Earl of Randor-1802-05] and Art Page 76
2 Infant son of Mme de Polastron
1 Lord Byron [1803] and Art Page 62
1 Prince [Ivan] Bariatinski and Art Page 123
[Prince Ivan Baratinsky] and Art Page 99
1 An American lady
[A Lady - 1810] and Art Page 121
1 Son of margravine of Anspach
3 Portraits of Mme Vigee Le Brun
[1 Arabella Diane Duchess of Dorset ] and Art Page 30
3 Mme [Giuseppina] Grassini, copy #1(in the role of Zaire -1804) and Art Page 43, two of them in oriental costume, the other half-length. [copy #2 - 1804] on Art Page 120, [copy #3 - 1804] on Art Page 130
1 Portrait of an Irish Lady
Mme Vestris - 1804 and Art Page 69
Madame Vestris - 1803 and Art Page 2
1 lady Georgina, daughter of Lady Gordon
1 Prince Biron of Courland, as a huntsman
1 Two sons of Countess de Vaudreuil
Views of seacoast in crayons, and several landscapes

DONE AT PARIS after returning in 1805
1 Queen of Prussia [oil copy of an 1801 pastel] and Art Page 56
1 Prince Ferdinand of Prussia
1 Prince Augustus Ferdinand, his son
1 Princess Louise Radziwill, his sister - 1805 and Art Page 23
Princess Helena Czartoryska née Radziwill [dated 1802] and Art Page 80
Princess Helena Radziwill [1802-05]Art Page 80
1 Princess Tufakinand [Tufiakin-1805]Art Page 61
1 Mme Catalani, singing at a piano - 1806 and Art Page 19
1 Mme Murat, with her daughter and Art Page 123
4 Portraits of Mme Vigee Le Brun for friends
3 Mme [Josephina] Grassini[1 painting,1805-07] and Art Page 90
1 M. Ragani, her husband
1 Viscountess de Vaudreuil
2 Count de Vaudreuil, her uncle
1 Laure de Bonneuil - 1805 and Art Page 41
2 Duchess de Guiche [1 copy] and Art Page 100
1 Young Princess Potemski, half length
1 Mme Constans 1 Countess d'Andlau [marie Adelaide Gevevieve Helvetius], with hands showing and Art Page 97
[Armand Gaston d'Andlau-1815]
1 Duke de Berri and Art Page 146
2 Countess de Rosambeau and Countess d'Orglande,
daughters of Countess d'Andlau
marie Anoinette-1805-10 and Art Page 130
2 The two d'Andlau brothers
1 [Giovanni Batista] Viotti, famous violinist[1805] and Art Page 51
1 marquise de Grollier, painting flowers
[Port of Thun Lake - 1807] and Art Page 148
1 M de Crussol, large half-length picture
1 Wincentowa Potocka - 1808 and Art Page 93
1 Mlle de Grenonville
[madame de Stael en Corinne -1808] and Art Page 36
1 Mme Davidoff and Art Page 165
1 marquis de Rivere, for King Charles X, half-length [1828] and Art Page 70
[Head of a Woman-1811] and Art Page 78
1 Count de Coetlosquet
1 Mme de Pront, his niece and Art Page 65
2 Duchess de Berri
[Ernestine Frederique, Princess de Croy as Flora - 1811] and Art Page 41
1 Mlle de Sassenay
[Colonel Bibikoff - 1812] and Art Page 120
1 M Raoul Rochette
1 M Sapey [1819]
[Portrait of a Young Boy - 1817] and Art Page 21
1 Mme Lafont
1 Mlle de Riviere - 1812 [Cared for Vigee Le Brun in final years-niece]
1 Alfred de Riviere
1 Baron de Feisthemel, painting and Art Page 173
1 Baron de Crespy le Prince, drawing
[Portrait of a Woman - 1819] and Art Page 20
1 Mme Ditte
1 Mme de Riviere, both hands showing
[St. Genevieve - 1821] and Art Page 143
1 Mme Ditte
1 Profile of Mme Vigee Le Brun, for a medallion for the
City of St. Petersburg, on which Angelica Kauffman was also to appear

[Allegories] 1 Poetry, 1 Painting [and Art Page 103] and 1Music
[Allegory of Night] and Art Page 119
1 Spanish Scene [1777] and Art Page 140
1 Love asleep under a tree
[Young Woman in Love] and Art Page 62
1 Young girl, surprised in her shirt
1 Young girl, caught writing
1 Innocence seeking refuge in the arms of Justice and Art Page 111
1 Venus binding the wings of Love [1780] and Art Page 52
1 Juno asking girdle from Venus
1 Apotheosis of the Queen
[Jupiter] and Art Page 74
1 Shipwrecked woman
1 Caratact of Narva
1 Amphion playing on a lyre
Mlles Guiche and Polignac[1793-95] and Art Page 73
1 An old man with his son
About 200 Swiss and English landscapes
[Festival in the Swiss Alps at Unspannen - 1808] and Art Page 35
[Le Mont Blanc - 1808] and Art Page 35

1 Mme Ducrest de Villeneuve
1 marquise de Jancourt
[King Louis XVI] and Art Page 119
1 Countess de Provence
1 Woman painting [Portrait of a woman in Paris section - 1819?]
Victorienne Delphine Natalie de Rochechouart Mortemart, marquise de Nouge and Art Page 22
1 The infant Duke de Berri
1 Lady playing the harp
1 Countess [Isabella Lubomirska] Czartoryska [1799] and Art Page 22]
[Countess de Bossancourt - 1830] and Art Page 116]
1 Mme Courcelles
[1Mme de Estrareti, The Cabinet des Dessins,France]
1 [Mohammed] Davich [Dervisch] Khan - [1788] and Art Page 72
1 His son
Portrait Head of Youth and Art Page 29
1 Prince de Rochefort
1 Cardinal Fleury and Art Page 141
1 Mme de Suffrein, from memory and Art Page xx
1 Countess de Las Casas, from memory

1768-1772 | 1773 | 1774 | 1775 | 1776 | 1777 | 1778 | 1779 | 1780 | 1781
1782 | 1783 | 1784 | 1785 | 1786 | 1787 | 1788 | 1789 | 1790(ROME)
1790-1791(NAPLES) | 1791(TURIN) | 1791(VENICE)
1792-1795(VIENNA) | 1795(DRESDEN) | 1795-1801(RUSSIA)
1801(BERLIN) | 1802-1805(ENGLAND)
1805 and later(PARIS) | MISC PICTURES

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