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From Art Page 82
Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski - 1793
oil on canvas,100.2 x 77.2 cm
Prince Adam Casimir Czartoryska (1734-1823) was a famous Statesman and candidate to the polish throne (1764) and later Austrian Field Marshal. This is one of two versions of the sitter painted in 1793 in Vienna. This version (with red cape) was intended as a pendant to the portrait of his sister Princess Isabella Lubormirska(1782) on Art Page 22.The other portrait of the Prince (with blue cape) is on Art Page 125. Reference Kimbell Exhibition Catalog Number 39 for more details.
From Art Page 125
Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski - 1793
oil on canvas,100.2 x 77.2 cm
Prince Adam Casimir Czartoryska (1734-1823) was a famous Statesman and candidate to the polish throne (1764) and later Austrian Field Marshal. This is one of two versions of the sitter painted in 1793 in Vienna. In this version he wears a blue cape. The other portrait of the Prince is on Art Page 82. Reference Kimbell Exhibition Catalog Number 39 for more details on the sitter.

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