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Elisabeth Alexeyevna - 1794
Portrait of Grand Duchess Elisabeth Alekseyevna (1779-1826), born Princess Luisa Maria Augusta of Baden, was the wife of Aleksandr Pavlovich (Alexander I). Married in 1793. In 1801 she became Empress of Russia. This a pastel study for the 1795 portrait of the Grand Duchess that is displayed at the Arkhangelskoe Palace, Moscow. View a second pastel study for the 1795 portrait. It appears that the first study pastel was used for the project.

Grand Duchess Elisabeth - 1795
oil on canvas. 262.5 x 200 cm, Hermitage
Portrait of Grand Duchess Elisabeth Alekseyevna (1779-1826), born Princess Luisa Maria Augusta of Baden, was the wife of Aleksandr Pavlovich (Alexander I) from 1793. From 1801, she was empress of Russia. When this painting was executed she was still a grand duchess, wearing court dress with St. Catherine's ribbon across her shoulder. The portraits was commissioned by Catherine the Great and painted in 1795; This painting hung in the Romanov Gallery of the Winter Palace. According to Vigée Le Brun she executed two half-length and two bust replicas of the portraits. View two other another images of this painting. Image 1 and image 2. View three other portraits of Grand Duchess Elisabeth on Page 44, Page 48 and Page 135.

Marie Antoinette-1778
oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm
Collection of Chateau de Breteuil, France
Derived from the larger portrait (Art Page 91) at Versailles. This painting was shown at the 1999 touring exhibition throughout Japan called "Marie Antoinette".
Baron de Breteuil was the Ambassador of France in Russia at the reign of Louis XV. When he returned to France, he became one of the most powerful courtiers at Versailles and had quite a big influence on Marie Antoinette.

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