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Allegory of Poetry - 1774
oval, 24 x 30 in, 80 x 65 cm
Private collection
signed and dated lower left Mlle Vigee / 1774, .
Mdm Coindre - ?
oil on canvas

Marquise de Montesson - 1779
oil on canvas
Jeanne Beraud de La Haye, Marquise de Montesson lived in a big beautiful private mansion in Chaussee d Antin street where from 1785, she received her friends intellectuals, artists or comedians (she enjoyed theater and wrote a play). She finally married with Duke of Orleans, on Page 105 and Page 194, the father of Philippe duc de Chartres said Philippe-Egalite under the french Revolution. Mme de Montesson spent time in chateau du Raincy, near Paris, and she had sympathy for the liberal ideas. View additional images of Mme Montesson on Page 159, Page 51 and Page 194 .

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