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Louis Philippe, Duc de Orleans-1779
Pastel, 80.1 x 60.9 cm, Oval, Pendant
Louis-Philippe d'Orléans (1725-1785) , known as "le Gros" (the fat one), the father of Philippe-Egalité and the grandfather of Louis-Philippe, married his mistress Madame de Montesson in 1773 after he lost his wife. But this marriage, finally authorized by Louis XV, remained morganatic and secret since his new wife could not assume the title of Duchess of Orleans. Bio and sale information from The Art Tribune. This is the first of three copies Vigée Le Brun made from the original on Art Page 105. View copy 2,and copy 3 plus a portrait of his wife (below) on the site. Listed in Neil Jeffares Dictionary of pastellists before 1800. View a framed image of this portrait.

Marquise de Montesson - 1779
Pastel, 80 x 63 cm, Oval, Pendant
Charlotte Jeanne Béraud de la Haye de Riou, marquise de Montesson (1738-1806) lived in a mansion on Chaussee d Antin street from 1785. She married the duke of Orleans the father of Philippe duc de Chartres. Mme de Montesson spent time in chateau du Raincy, near Paris. Mme de Montesson was the benefactor of the village of Seine-Port (named Saint-Port before 1789) near Paris where she is buried in the church of the village, with the Duke's heart. Sale information from The Art Tribune. Listed in Neil Jeffares Dictionary of pastellists before 1800. View additional images of Mme Montesson on Page 159, Page 51 and Page 168 . View a framed image of this portrait.
Lady Jane Perceval - 1804
Pastel, 48 x 37.5 cm, 19 x 14.75 in
Born Jane Wilson (1769-1844), she and her older sister Margaretta were courted by the Perceval brothers. Their father approved Margaretta's marriage to Charles Perceval (Lord Arden), a wealthy Member of Parliament and Lord of the Admiralty, but disapproved of the match between Jane and Spencer Perceval, who was a modest barrister. The couple eloped, and by the time Vigée Le Brun met them, Spencer Percival had himself become a Member of Parliament and had been selected Attorney General.He would later rise to become Prime Minister, 1809-12, being assassinated in office. In 1815, Jane married Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Henry Carr, who died in 1821. (Bio from Charles Stein's annotated painting list). The portrait was sold by Sotheby's, Paris on March 25, 2014. It is part of the ancient collection of the Vicomtesse de Courval Collection. View a large format image of the portrait.

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