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Comtesse de Provence - 1782
oil on canvas, Academie Royale
Marie Louise de Savoie (1753-1810) wife of King Louis XVI's brother.
Vigee Le Brun listed 2 Madame, the wife of Monsieur, the Kings
brother for 1778. However, the painting is signed 1782, and was exhibited
in 1783 at the Salon de lAcadémie Royale. A
variant (Art Page
125) was also found. Go to the Comtesse de
Provence Page for more information on this painting.
Mme de Verdun - 1776
oil on canvas, 25-1/2 x 21 inches, oval
Vigee Le Brun listed 2 Mme de Verdun for 1776. A rectangular
version appears on Art
Page 66.
Princess Sapieha - 1795
oil on canvas, oval, 32 x 25 inches
Painted in Vienna.
This is not the same sitter who appears in "Princess
Sapieha, dancing with a shawl," (Art Page
69), and who is also represented in "Princess
Sapieha" in a miniature portrait by Auguste Louis Jean-Baptiste
Rivière, perhaps after a Vigee Le Brun original. There were many princes
called Sapieha, and it's possible this woman was a different Princess
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