A Man - 1793
pastel, 54 x 44 cm, oval, Louvre, Painted in Vienna Unknown Sitter.
View an image of the framed painting. Background: The Louvre has labeled this as Moritz Fries (Art Page 148). The identification as Moritz Fries had been questioned by Neil Jeffares in Dictionary of Pastellists before 1800. Jana Talkenberg cites Christian Steeb, Die Grafen Fries, who concluded that the Louvre pastel is not Fries, based on appearance and based on the sitter appearing older than 16 years of age, which was how old Fries was in 1793. Also, Steeb noted that the building in the background cannot be identified as one of the estates of the Fries family. Angela Demutskiy update (Jume 2016) - For sometime now I've been following up on the idea that he's instead "1 M. Thomas, architect" (from Vigée Le Brun's list of Vienna Pastels). Who I belive to be Jean-Francois Thomas de Thomon (1760 - 1813). In 1794 M. Thomas was working for the Esterházy's in Vienna. Which could be why he was misidentifed as Count von Fries seeing as both families were related. Perhaps the inclusion of the buildings in the background was Madame Le Brun indicating his profession. Unfortunately I can't find another portrait of M. Thomas (de Thomon).