Self Portraits

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During the 40 year period from 1778 to 1818 vigee Le Brun painted 37 self portraits. 17 were originals and 20 were copies.

Serial Self-Portraits in the Work of Vigée Le Brun
A paper by: Kathleen Russo,Phd, Florida Atlantic University
Presented in 1996, Amsterdam
[ Italian version]

17781781 17821782 1786178717891789 17901790
17901790date?date?1794 1795-1800180018001808date?
1785-86date?1790179017901790 1790179017901790Date?

My Head (Ma tete)- 1778
Oil on canvas
This is the second self portrait vigee Le Brun painted. It is listed in her painting list in the 1778 section and reads "1 Head of Mme vigee Le Brun".
Self-Portrait - 1781
Oil on canvas, H. 25 1/2 in. W. 21 1/4 in. (64.8 x 54 cm) Self-portrait shows the artist at about age twenty-six, at the height of her youthful beauty and the beginning of her exciting career. My favorite vigee Le Brun painting can be seen at the Kimball Art Museum in Ft. Worth , Texas
Self Portrait with Straw Hat - 1782
oil on panel, 23-1/2 x 16 inches, Private collection.
The National Gallery of London has a large oil on canvas copy of this painting by vigee le Brun. This small version of the London painting could have been a preparatory painting (FK). "I was so delighted and inspired by "Ruben's Chapeau de Paille" that I completed a self portrait whilst in Brussels in an effort to achieve the same effect. I painted myself wearing a straw hat and a feather and a garland of flowers, and holding a palette in one hand" - vigee Le Brun
Self-Portrait in a Straw Hat -1782
Oil on canvas (97.8 x 70.5 cm),National Gallery, London
This is an oil on canvas copy of the smaller oil on panel original above. This self portrait is closely based on Rubens's portrait of his sister in lawSusanna Lunden which is also in the National Gallery. vigee LeBrun saw Rubens painting in Antwerp in the van Havre collection in 1781.
Self portrait with daughter Julie -1786
oil on canvas, 105 x 84 cm, The Louvre, Paris.
Self Portrait - 1787
Oil on canvas, 31.25 x 25.25 in, Fyvie Castle, Scotland.
Self-Portrait - 1789
Self Portrait - 1789, Pastel, (19 5/8" x 25 1/2"), Private collection.
vigee-Le Brun with her daughter Julie - 1789
121 x 90 cm, The Louvre, Paris
Between 1783 and 1789, her most creative and productive years, she exhibited more than forty portraits and historical compositions at the Academy's biennial Salon,earning success not only as a portraitist at the court of Versailles but as one of the most glamorous women in Parisian society in the final years of the ancien regime.
Self Portrait - 1790
oil on canvas, 100cm x 81 cm, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy
In 1789 vigee Le Brun fled France to save her head. The first stop was Italy where she was welcomed like a head of state. At Florence she was asked to paint her portrait for the celebrated collection of portraits of famous artists by their own hand at the Uffizi gallery. vigee Le Brun started the self portrait while in Florence but finished it in Rome. Many believe that this is one of the best heads she ever painted, sunny, smiling, happy, and youthful. The subject of the painting within the painting is Marie Antoinette.

Copy of Rome Self Portrait-1790
Oil on canvas. This is copy of the Rome self portrait. The subject of the painting in this copy is her daughter Julie. The Earl of Bristol met vigeee Brun in Italy and commissioned her to produce this copy and to paint his portrait . Ickworth House, Suffolk (National Trust), England
St. Luca Self Portrait - 1790
Oil on canvas,This self portrait was done for the accademia di St. Luca in Rome.
St Luca Self Portrait (copy) - 1790
Oil on canvas, This is a copy of the self portrait done for the accademia di St. Luca in Rome. The copy was done for Lord Bristol. It was sold at Christies on 14 December 1979.
Self Portrait - ?
oil on canvas, oval
This copy of the Academy of St. Luke (Rome) self portrait is located in the Museum of the Art, Verviers, Belgium. Provided by Jacques Spitz, Musées de Verviers (
Self Portrait - ?
oil on canvas, oval, 15 x 20 inches
This image is owned by a a family in New Jersy. It is most likely a copy of the Rome self portrait by another artist. The owners are in the process of having the painting dated.
Self Portrait - 1794
oil on canvas, 25-1/2 x 20 inches, Painted in Vienna
Self Portrait - 1795-1800
oil on canvas
Self Portrait - 1800
oil on canvas, 78.5cm x 68cm. Hermitage, St. Petersburg. This self portrait for the Hermitage may be the last painting vigee Le Brun completed in Russia. vigee Le Brun portrayed herself painting a portrait of Grand Duke Alenandr Pavlovich's wife, Elizabeth Alekseyevna. For this self portrait vigee le Brun was given the title of "honorary free associate" of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.
Self Portrait - 1800
drawing, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City
Self Portrait - 1808
oil on canvas, 16-1/4 x 13 inches (41.2 x 33 cm)
Private Collection. Madame Vigée Le Brun made her first visit to Switzerland in 1807 and spent 2 weeks at Coppet with the celebrated novelist, Madame De Stael. The following summer she returned to Switzerland to attend the "Festival of the Shepards", held only once each century. She stayed with M. and Mme. Konig in Untersee . "The only payment that I was able to make M. Konig for his hospitality was a self portrait in oil that I sent them from Paris". This is one of four self portraits she painted after returning to Paris. Painted when Vigée Le Brun was 53 years of age, it shows a face no longer young, but still beautiful, and filled with vitality, good humor, and keen intelligence.
Self Portrait with Lute-?
oil on canvas32 x 25 inches
N.Y. Private collector
Self Portrait Study -1785-86
Red Chalk
43 x 38 cm
Study for the self portrait with Julie from 1786
Portrait of a Woman, looking to the left - ?
Black and colored chalks on paper
15 x 12.5 inches (38.1 x 31.1 cm)

Private Collection, Stanford, California
Sale, Parke-Bernet, The entire Private Collection
of the late Felix Wildenstein, Nov 7-8, 1952, no. 248
Salle Petit, Paris (Exposition de Peintures du XVIIIieme Siecle), 1898
Sold on 29 April 1999 at auction for $8,000.

Self Portrait - 1783
Drawing, 48 x 37 cm
Self Portrait.
Private Collection, New York
Previously Sold on 11 March 2014 at the Hotel de ventes de la Vallée de Montmorency, France. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition. View the framed drawing and plate.

Self Portrait - 1790
oil on canvas
Self Portrait - 1790
oil on canvas
Gallery di S Luca, Rome
Self Portrait - 1790
oil on canvas
13.5 x 9.5 in (34 x 25 cm)
Self Portrait - 1794
oil on canvas
25.5 x 20.5 in (64 x 52 cm)
Self Portrait - 1790
oil on canvas
44 x 34 cm
Self Portrait - 1790
oil on canvas
Self Portrait - 1790
oil on canvas
24 x 18 in
Self Portrait - ?
oil on canvas

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