Kimbell Art Museum Exhibition
June 5 - August 8, 1982


The Baltimore Museum of Art 48

The Barber Institute of Fine Arts,
University of Birmingham 46

Indiana University Art Museum, Bloomington 53

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1, 45

Columbus Museum of Art 51

Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth 11, 34, 54

Indianapolis Museum of Art 4

The Minneapolis Institute of Arts 38

Museo e Gallerie Nazionali
di Capodimonte, Naples 32

The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York 12, 29

The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York 52

Musee Carnavalet, Paris 5

Musee jacquemart-Andre, Paris 30

Musee du Louvre, Paris 7, 9, 21, 22, 43

Phoenix Art Museum 35

Museo de Arte de Ponce 17

North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh 42

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond 14

University of Rochester Library 57

The Saint Louis Art Museum 2

The Toledo Museum of Art 15, 37

University of Arizona
Museum of Art, Tucson 40

Musee National du Chateau
de Versailles 13, 33, 47

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 24

Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute,
Williamstown 20


Anonymous 6, 8, 10,16, 18,
19, 31, 36, 39, 41, 44, 49, 50, 55, 11 IV

Cailleux Collection 3

Michel David-Weill 25

Monseigneur le Comte de Paris 28

Comte jean-Franqois de Roussy de Sales 26

Comtesse de Selancy 23

Bronson Trevor 27

Paul Underwood 56

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Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas.

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