The 78 paintings on this page were once thought to be the work of Vigee Le Brun. Most were originally found in museum and library archives by our team with notes of attribution to Vigee Le Brun. Over the years they have been non-attributed to Vigee Le Brun and in some cases identified as the work of other artist. We decided to keep these images on the site at this location for the record. Updated 16 June 2016.

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A Lady - ?
oil on canvas
Removed from Art Page 152 in July 2016.
Mlle Lamoignon - 1778
Miniature after Vigee Le Brun
For 1776, vlb listed a Mme de Lamoignon, Marie-Elisabeth Berryer, who married M. Lamoignon, president de Basville, ministre de Louis XVI. The couple had nine children, and it was considered possible that the 1778 listing was for one of their daughters.Olivier located a miniature of one of their daughters prepared after Vigee le Brun. She is Marie Louise Elisabeth de Lamoignon, who was born in Paris on 3 October 1763. She would later marry Francois-Edouard Mole comte de Champlatreux, who was guillotined during the Terror. She died in 1820. She was the mother of the well-known politician, count Mathieu Mole.
Removed from Art Page 180 in July 2016.
Marie Antoinette - ?
This may be a 19th Century print. One of our contributors believes the dress style to be similar to the 1785 portrait, while another contributor believes the head resembles Vigee Le Brun's 1776-77 copy after Wertmuller.
Removed from Art Page 143 in July 2016.

Princess Daria Alexandrovna Troubetzkoy, nee Countess Roumiantzeff - 1795-1801
miniature drawing, oval, Smithsonian Institute.
Lived 1732-1809. Lada Nikolenko made this attribution, and perhaps she intended to say that the miniature could be after an original portrait of Vigee Le Brun, who didn't paint miniatures. But Vigee Le Brun didn't list any portrait of this sitter, and the style doesn't seem similar to hers. Therefore, this attribution seems very unlikely.
Removed from Art Page 109 in July 2016.
A Lady - ?
Pastel, 44 x 35 cm
Removed from Art Page 42 in July 2016.
Comtesse de Provence - 1778
An engraving of VLB's 1778 portrait of the Comtesse de Provence. Bob and Gail had found a photo in the Witt Gallery of a pencil and red chalk sketch of this painting. The sketch is believed to be by VLB.VLB painted the lady again in 1782The painting is dated, though VLB didn't include the sitter on her list for 1782.
Removed from Art Page 42 in July 2016.
A Child - ?
Color Crayons
35 x 24.5 cm
Attributed to Vigee Le Brun.
Removed from Art Page 42 in July 2016.
Mme de Saint-Gresse de Mornay - 1776
purchased by the Museum of Angoulême
Removed from Art Page 156 in July 2016.
Boy - 1776
The son of Mme de Saint-Gresse de Mornay
purchased by the Museum of Angoulême
Removed from Art Page 156 in July 2016.
Countess Savorgnan di Brazza - ?
oil on canvas, 35 x 28-1/2 in
Removed from Art Page 87 in July 2016.
Elisabeth F. Mole-Raymond - 1786
oil on canvas, 15 x 18 in
Kunsthalle Bremen, Germany
Painting of the actress.
View the unframed painting. Note oval frame shadow which shows that this is the same portrait unframed. Removed from Art Page 87 in July 2016.
Petite Fille - ?
oil on canvas, oval, 53 x 52 cm
Removed from Art Page 87 in July 2016.
Duchess Elisaveta Alexeevna - 1796
oil on canvas
Grand Duchess Elisaveta Alexeevna, later Empress of Russia, consort of Alexander I
This portrait is now attributed to Salvatore Tonci (1756-1844). View a different version of this portrait possibly by the same artist. View a biography of Tonci that covers the 2nd half of his life in Russia.
Marie Louise Adelaide de Bourbon - 1789
Oil on Canvas, 39.76 x 32.67 in (101 x 83 cm)
Located at Versailles. This is a copy after Vigée Le Brun of the portrait located on Art Page 22

self portrait - ?
oil on canvas
Removed from Art Page 101.
Comte de Provence - 1776-81
Oil on canvas, Oval
Attributed to Jean Martial Fredou. This will be moved to storage shortly. Portrait of Monsieur, Comte de Provence, brother of the King, later Louis XVIII.

Comte de Provence - 1776-81
Oil on canvas, Oval
Portrait of Monsieur, Comte de Provence, brother of the King, later Louis XVII. This portrait is attributed to Joseph Siffred Duplessis.
Marie Thérese de Savoie - 1783
oil on canvas
Marie-Thérese de Savoie, Comtesse d'Artois (b 31 January 1756, d 1805). Married Charles Philippe (16 November 1776), the Comte d'Artois (1757-1836). He was the youngest brother of Louis XVI, and would become Charles X (1824-30).

Angela Demutskiy informed us that this is a portrait of Princess Lamballe. It was auctioned by Christie's as a work by Antoine Vester. The portrait will be moved to the storage area of the site.

Colonel Bibikoff - 1812
Oval oil miniature signed by Vigée Le Brun. Colonel Bibikoff (1746-1803).  Attributed by Lada Nikolenko, who perhaps thought that the miniature was modeled on a portrait by Vigee Le Brun (who didn't paint miniatures herself).
Duchess de Berry - 1820
oil on canvas
60 x 40 cm (23.6 x 15.7 in)
Mme Vigée Lebrun painted the duchess de Berry in 1820 just after her husband was murdered by Louvel. This painting was the property of pricesse de Lucinges. This portrait was removed from Art Page 112 in June 2016. This portrait of Duchess de Berry was painted by Francois Joseph Kinson (Belgian, 1771-1839)
A Lady- ?
Drawing, 11.4 x 8.7 cm
A Woman - ?
Color crayons, 22 x 25 cm
A Child - ?
Oil on Canvas, Oval
A woman - ?
oil on canvas
A Girl - ?
oil on canvas

This image has been on the site for a long time. Unknown origin. Moved to storage until we know more.

Augustine de Louvois - ?
oil on canvas
Augustine de Louvois, Mademoiselle de Montmirail - duchesse de Doudeauville "after" Vigée Le brun. She lived 1764 - 1849, sometimes I found her under the name Bénigne Le Tellier de Montmirail.

Louise Rosalie Dugazon - 1787
Private Coction, Switzerland.
Louise Rosalie Dugazon in the role of Nina "She was the greatest talent the Opera-Comique ever possessed...I think I went to see Nina at least twenty times" - Vigée Le Brun
The Witt Library had identified the sitter as Louise Rosalie Dugazon. We removed an engraving of this portrait in 2006 when we were told it was attributed to Antoine Vester. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition. Presented as a new attribution. This image was placed on Art Page 131 in Jan 2016.
Gentleman - ?
oil on canvas, oval, 23.5 x 18.5 in, 59.6 x 47 cm
Sold at Christie's, London, 9 Feb 1979. Sold again as a "Circle of Vigee Le Brun" by Koller Auktionen, September 21, 2007 (Lot 03118) for $6,096.
Young Nobleman - ?
oil on canvas, 28.5 x 23.5 inches
Removed from page 140 in Jan 2016. More information required.
Young Girl - ?
oil on canvas, 48 x 42 cm
Removed from page 140 in Jan 2016. More information required.
Painting of a Lady with a Sheet of Music - 1782
Oil on Canvas, 92.5 x 69.3 cm
Heidelberg Museum, Germany
An adaptation (most proably after Vigee Le Brun) of her 1782 self portrait.

Self Portrait copy - 1781
oil on canvas
A copy of Vigée Le Brun's 1781 self portrait by an unknown artist. This painting has been displayed for decades in the French period room (image 1) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. I understand that the MET has known for years that it was a copy by another artist but it served its purpose well as a decorative piece in the period room. I noticed it missing from the room in Feb 2013. The "bug eyes" and the problem with the excess distance between the eyes have bothered me for 20 years but I though it was a fluke. No artist can possibly paint every portrait perfectly.

Christi's NY auctioned the portrait on 30 Jan 2014 for $75,000. As a copy by an unknown artist it's not worth a fraction of that even if it is a period piece. of China will paint you a museum quality copy of the Kimbell Museum self portrait (with free shipping) for less that $251 US. A great savings for the same class of painting - a copy. I've seen their excellent product. If you are going to buy a copy buy Starry Night.

Nicolas Beaujon-1784-85
oil on canvas
This image is a copy of the portrait on Art Page 105 by another artist. It is at Musée Carnavalet, Paris. Nicolas Beaujon (1718-1786), was the court banker to Louis XV.

Marie Antoinette - 1776-77
oil on canvas
This painting belonged to the Comtesse de Biron in 1931.

Empress Elisabeth Alexeevna-1795-1801
oil on canvas
Empress Elisabeth Alexeevna.
Painted by Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky (1757-1825).
Background: Nikolenko and Angela Demutskiy considered this the work of Vladimir Borovikovsky. Jana Talkenberg also notes that new research of Russian experts show that it is by Borovikovsky, and that the identification if the sitter is also wrong. Their research shows the sitter is Empress Elisabeth Alexeevna. and note that it was incorrectly shown in Portrait Russes as being a portrait of (brunette) Grand Duchess Anna Feodorovna (1781-1860) by Vigée Le Brun, but now is known to be a Borovikovsky of (blonde) Empress Elisabeth Alexeevna.
La Vicoumtesse de Virieu - 1779
oil on canvas
This was sold at Christies as a painting by Antoine Pesne.

Madame Baudin - 1835
We are looking for information on this portrait or sitter? This painting does not look like a VLB painting. Charles pointed out that her post 1825 paintings were not this realistic. There are many links on the net identifying this image as a painting by VLB. There is not enough information at this time to move this image to the site pages.
From charles:This Mdm Baudin is painted in a very realistic style. The chin line shows it is a painting and not a photograph, but other elements such as the nose almost look photographic. But we only have a few images of formal paintings by her after 1825, and they also appear more realistic than her earlier works. See: feisthamel.jpg
and woman1831.jpg

Marie Antoinette-1788
Chateau Versailles
A portrait by Adolph Ulrik Wertmuller. View the painting at Versailles.
Mme de Fougeret - 1774
oil on canvas, 31.9 x 25.6 in
Found to be attributed to Angelica Kauffmann as Portrait "de femme a la rose dan les cheveux". Auctioned by Cornette de Saint-Cyr on Wednesday, December 10, 1997 as lot 96 for $10,016. Charlotte d'Outremont, daughter of a Conseiller au Grand Conseil, who in 1770 married Jean de Fougeret (guillotined 1794), receveur general des Finances du comte de Bourgogne . Owners of Chateau-Renard (Loiret) they had three daughters; one of them, comtesse Angelique de Maussion (1772-1851), wrote Rescapes de Thermidor. The sitter was identified based on an engraving of Mme de Fougeret. After the Terror, she turned to charity work, and had an engraving made to represent her in publications. The Vigee Le Brun portrait (made more than 20 years earlier) was used as the model for the face in the engraving.

Carle Vernet - 1778
oil? on canvas, 25.6 x 21.5in.
This one was sold as being in the circle of Henri-Pierre Danloux as Portrait "de Jeune Homme", Auctioned by Loudmer Scp. on Tuesday, December 15, 1992 as lot 53 for $1,507.
Carle Vernet (1758-1836) was the son of Joseph Vernet. Both were artists. Joseph Vernet had been a friend of Vigee Le Brun's's father, and had given her some painting advice in her youth. vlb painted Joseph Vernet in 1778, and in 1789 she painted his daughter, Emilie Chalgrin, who had been a lifelong friend of hers. Mme Chalgrin would tragically go to the guillotine in 1793 (or 1794).
The location of the original portrait is unknown. The portrait is not listed in Vigee Le Brun's painting list.

Young Girl - 1793
oil on canvas, 15 x 18 in
Painted by Antoine Vestier. Sold by Christie's at New York, Rockefeller Plaza, as "Young girl with a garland of roses" on 26 January 2012.
Princess Praskovia Yourievna Gargarine, nee Princess Troubezkoy -1795-01
oil on canvas, 26-1/4 x 23 inches
The painting is attributed to Joseph Grassi
Princess Gargarine lived from 1762 to 1848 and was the daughter of Princess Daria Troubetzsky (Art Page 109) whose miniature drawing Nikolenko attributed to Vigée Le Brun
Young Woman - 1734-1781
oil on canvas, 50-1/4 x 38 in
The painting was produced by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (1734-1781)

Girl with Pigeons - ?
oil on canvas, 32 x 26 in
This is a painting by Antoine Pesne.
Queen of Naples - 1808
oil on canvas
Queen Caroline of Naples. by Francois Pascal Simon Gerard. This is a portrait of Caroline Murat devant la baie de Naples, Napoleon's sister, 1782-1839, whose husband had been installed as King of Naples in 1808.
Duc de Choiseul Praslin - 1772-76
oil on canvas
Portrait of a gentleman. This was found to be the work of Greuze. This painting was attributed to VLB in a French edition (2008) of Souvenirs. The painting was auctioned in 2004 and is signed and dated.

Jupiter - ?
oil on canvas, 207 x 257 cm
Museum of Fine Art, Boston
Thought to be one of Vigee Le Brun's history paintings. This painting was attributed to Vigee Le Brun by Galerie Fievez, Brussels back in 1930. This is actually the work of Antoine Francois Callet, "Ceres Begging for Jupiter's Thunderbolt after the Kidnapping of Her Daughter Proserpine".
Updated information provided by Angela Demutskiy.

Dauphin, Later Louis XVII - 1789
This image now attributed to Augustin de Sain-Aubin. It appeared in the 4 July 2007 Southebys catalog
Black and Red chalk and graphite, 150mm x 95 mm, 3.5 x 6 inches
Louis Charles, the younger son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, was born at Versailles on 27 March 1785. He became the Dauphin upon the death of his older brother on 4 June 1789. Following his fathers execution on 21 january 1793 he was proclaimed King Louis XVII by the Royalists. He never ruled and is said to have died in prison in Paris on 8 June 1795.
Updated information provided by Angela Demutskiy.

Comtesse Kinska nee Diedrichstein - 1793
oil on canvas, oval, 28-3/4 x 23-1/2 in
View a black and white image of the framed painting.
Helm had described this painting: white cap and dress, light blue sash; fair with blue eyes. Someone later called it a painting of Kinsky. But as Angela has pointed out, Kinsky had dark brown eyes. Thus, it is NOT a painting of Kinsky.Furthermore, Angela says that the painting was recently auctioned as "circle of Vigee LeBrun." So I believe that Angela's opinion is that ckinska.jpg and alady10.jpg are photos of the same painting, that they are not by VLB and they are not Kinsky. - Charles, 5 April 09

Marie Antoinette - 1788
pastel, Ringling Museum
Marie Antoinette in blue velvet dress. A new Marie Painting version from Angela - Sept 2008 From Charles: "Regarding the Ringling pastel, I had received an e-mail note from the Associate Registrar of the Ringling, Rebecca Engelhardt, on 18 March 1998, saying that the pastel they had was "after VLB".
Le Comte d'Artois
Etching of a painting by vlb of Le Comte d'Artois ?

From Oliver: the portrait of count d'Artois sent by Angela is painted by Danloux (cf. Portalis): i reproduced it in my book L'Amour à Paris au temps de Louis XVI, Paris, perrin, 2003.

Princess Ecaterina Ossipovna Tiufiakin-1801-1802
oil on canvas
ANGELA: This image was Grafinia Sofia Adamovna Zamoiskaia, 1778-1837 by Lampi. I think it's vlb's 1801-1802 Princess Ecaterina Ossipovna Tiufiakin nee Horvath portrait. She's sitting on a cloud bank, flowing scarf, wings.
JANA: This image is Zofia Zamoyska nee Czartoryska by Heinrich Friedrich Fuger (1751-1818).I agree with Angela that this is not by vlb. A copy of this portrait is located at castle Lancut, Poland.

A Boy - ?
oil on canvas
Image of a boy I have found on a Polish web-site as a painting by vlb. Does anyone know something about this portrait? I did't see it before. - Jana
Regarding the portrait of the boy, my Master List has it. The magazine Apollo, 90:cxxxii, Sep 1969, published the same painting (or a copy of it): . Apollo said that it was "Portrait du Dauphin de France," oil on canvas, oval, 22 7/8" x 18 1/8". Apollo noted that the painting was signed G. Amaury (whoever that was), but nevertheless, the owner attributed the painting to Vigee LeBrun. [This seems bizarre to me. If someone is going to forge a signature to a painting, they will forge a famous artist's name, not sign an unknown artist's name.] Of course, that could raise the question, maybe there was an original by someone famous, perhaps even vlb, and the painting by G. Amaury was a copy of that. That is all I know of the matter, and I didn't think that a painting signed "G. Amaury" was worthy of being listed on the vlb website based on the word of the owner.
Portrait of a Lady - ?
Pastel, 117 x 89 cm
Sold in 1999 at auction in Madrid.
This new pastel resembles a painting of vlb's 1782
painting, "Yolande Gabrielle Martine de Polastron,
Duchesse de Polignac," on Art Page 54.
This image appers to be a copy by some other artist.

Pages from vlb's sketchbook from Oliver
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5

I don't think these drawings are by vlb

Lady in Napoleonic Dress - 1815
Oil on canvas, Belvedere, Vienna.
Signed and dated. The painting is by Painted by Eugenie Tripier Lefranc , who signed as Eugenie Le Brun.

Lady with Lyre - 1806
oil on canvas, 152cm x 185cm
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
According to Elena Sharnova of Moscow, past curator of French Art at the Pushkin Museum: "The painting is signed "Riviere". I believe, that it was painted by Mme. de Riviere, Vigee Le Brun's neice who exhibited in the Parisian Salons in 1810's . I know some of her portarit drawings. When the museum purchased the portrait in 1964, the owner told that the portrait represents Josephine-Wilhelmine Budaevskaya, the wife of Polish General who was at Napoleon'survice.

Prince de Rohan Rochefort - 1778
We now believe this painting was completed by Pierre Danloux in 1778
"The supper parties at the Princess de Rohan-Rochefort's house were delightful"-Vigee Le Brun
Oil on copper portrait, 8" x 6", attributed to Vigee Le Brun, was sold at Sotheby's in Jan 1990 for $55,000. It is unclear whether this photograph represents the oil on copper piece. Sotheby's reported the picture was signed and dated painting.

François-Guillaume Ménageot - ?
oil on canvas
by Marie-Victoire Lemoine (1754-1820).
Portrait of François-Guillaume Ménageot (1744-1816)

Jean Baptiste Pierre Le Brun - date?
oil on canvas
By Jean Baptiste Pierre Le Brun Vigee Le Brun's husband whom she married in 1776

Jean Baptiste Pierre Le Brun - date?
Heinz National Portrait Gallery Library
Elisabeth Vigee married M. Le Brun on January 11, 1776. He was a well-known art dealer, and Vigee Le Brun benefitted from her ability to study many great art works that passed through his hands. It's also possible that her husband's connections allowed her to win commissions that she might not have won otherwise. On the negative side, her husband took all of her earnings, spending the money on gambling and other women. Because of her close connections to the aristocracy, Vigee Le Brun and her daughter fled France in 1789, leaving her husband behind. In exile, she was able to keep her earnings for herself, and became wealthy. Her husband, concerned for his security during the Revolution, filed for divorce. He died in 1813.
While Vigee Le Brun didn't paint miniatures, this work is similar to her style, and may be a copy after a painting by her (though she didn't list any portraits of her husband).

Young Woman with a Directoire Hat - date?
oil on canvas
sold for $10,000 on January 7th 2006. It was represented as "after vlb" . We moved this from page 52 on 12 June 06.

The Two sisters - date?
oil on canvas, oval, 76cm x 62 cm
This work sold in Bonhams, London In 2002 when it was sold as 'Circle of Jens Juel', the Danish portrait painter.
Comtesse du Cluzel - 1779
oil on canvas. 63.5 x 52.5 cm
Comtesse du Cluzel by Henri-Pierre Danloux
Mme Therese Baudan de Russe -1785
oil on canvas, oval, 27-3/4 x 22-3/8 inches
Now believed to be the work of Marie Victoire Lemoine.

Self Portrait with Lute-?
oil on canvas32 x 25 inches
N.Y. Private collector
Now believed to be the work of Rose Ducreux
A Small Child - ?
45 x 38 cm
Now believed to be the work of Marie Victoire Lemoine.
Girl with a Violin - ?
Portrait of the son of Marie Elisabeth Gabiou, the nephew of Marie Victoire Lemoine the artist.
Mme Senechal - date?
oil on canvas
Now believed to be the work of Marie-Victoire Lemoine.

Mlle. Baconniere de Salverte - date?
oil on canvas
73 x 58 cm
Now believed to be the work of Marie-Victoire Lemoine.

Princess Isabella Lubomirska, nee Czartoryska Lubomirska-1799
oil on canvas
Izabela Czartoryska (born Flemming, lived 1746-1835), painted 1790 by Maria Cosway, nee Hadfield (1759-1838). The painting is in the Muzem Narodowe (Czastoryski Collection) in Krakaw, Poland.

Marie Antoinette - ?
oil on canvas
This was once thought to be one of the first portraits of the queen made by Vigee Le Brun. We have found that it is actually the work of Kucharski.
A Lady Reading-?
oil on canvas
This is from a well known drawing by Vincent which was engraved by Demarteau in 1784. It is not by vlb.

Image removed from page 147 .

Princs Lamballe-1782
oil on canvas
This image, published as Mme Courcelles is not be vlb according to JB.

Image removed from page 128 .

The Dauphin of France - 1792
oil on canvas
It was determined that this portrait of the second Dauphin from 1792 is by (or after) Alexander Kucharsky (1711-1819). This painting is discussed , in French, at
Louis duc de Brissac - 1778
oil on canvas
Louis-Hercule Timoleon de Cossè, duc de Brissac was born 1734, He was massacred at Versailles 9 Sept 1792. This portrait may be from a later date. vlb certainly knew the Duke later, around 1790 she "painted Lady Hamilton again as a sibyl for the Duc de Brissac." - Chap. V.
According to new information this was painted by Louis Carrogis de Carmontelle, and may be Louis-Hercule Timoleon's father.
Mlle de la Briche - 1787
oil on canvas, oval
23-1/2 x 29-1/2 inches
Caroline Lalive de la Briche . This painting was also known as "La Fillette aux Cerises".
J. Baillio believes that this painting is not by Vigee Le Brun.
Countess Skavronskaia - date?
oil on canvas
This version of the painting on art page 83 is believed to be by another artist.

Young Woman with a Dog-1796
oil on canvas
National Museum of Art, Bucarest, Romania

This painting has been identified as a painting by Marie Victoire Lemoine.

self portrait - date?
oil on canvas, oval
This painting had been published as a self-portrait of vlb in the 1903 Doubleday edition of the Memoirs. But it is now considered to be a portrait by Antoine Vestier of Madame Rouille d'Orfeuil. This correction was made by Anne-Marie Passez, who wrote a book on Antoine Vestier.
Actress Dugazon in the role of Nina - 1787
Private Coction, Switzerland.
"She was the greatest talent the Opera-Comique ever possessed...I think I went to see Nina at least twenty times" - Vigée Le Brun
The Witt Library had identified the sitter as Mdm Dugazon. We have found that the image was falsely signed as Vigee le Brun. It is now considered a portrait by Vestier of an unidentified lady. This correction was made by Anne-Marie Passez, who wrote a book on Antoine Vestier.
Marie Therese Caroline of Austria - 1781

oil on canvas, oval.
Conde Museum, Chantilly
This image, published in "Antiques" (Nov 1967) is not by vlb.
Marie Antoinette - 1805-1810
oil on canvas
This "Red dress" portrait seems different than the one on the site that we have determined is not by vlb. The one on the site was the one sold off by the Detroit Museum. What do you think.Is this just another shade of the other red one? This copy looks more like vlb's style
Queen Marie Antoinette - 1786
oil on canvas 

Word from Versailles, via a friend, is that this painting is after the 1786 full length portrait of the Queen in blue holding a book. Apparently several copies were made of the 1786 work in half length, with alterations in costume. It is unclear whether there is an authentic version by Vigee Le Brun with this particular costume.<

Marie Antoinette - 1779
oil on canvas
View the picture in the frame
This came from Jean Davis ( I sent it to all of you earlier (about 9/10). It is owned by a friend of Jeans. I don't know if it is a copy or an original. the signature is a bit strange. We will keep this image in this section for now.
Lady Blessington - ?
Post card reproduction of an oil on canvas
the original is believe to be in Paris. Link to a biography on Lady Blessington New From Claudia.
Queen of Naples - ?
oil on canvas
Marie Caroline, Queen of Naples. This painting was done by the Italian painter Landini.
Louis XVII - ?
oil on canvas
portrait of Louis XVII (son of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI). Originally Attributed to Vigée Le Brun".

Claudia found that this picture was actually the work of JL David.

Count Bistri - 1793
Color Crayons
43 x 30.5 cm
Vigee Le Brun painted the Comte and the Countess Bistri in Vienna in 1793

Mme Montesquiou - 1780
Color Crayons

A Child - ?
Oil on Canvas
17 x 14.5 inches
Houston Museum of Fine Arts
According to an email I received from Charles on 1/17/2000, this painting has been reattributed to Anne Filleul Née Boquet (French 1752-1794 guillotined).
King Louis the XVI - 1786
oil on canvas
73 x 59 cm
Praskovia Fredo née Golowin - date?
oil on canvas
note: From Charles- Per Baillios Kimbell book p 13 - Countess Praskovia Nikolaevna Golovin, later Countess Maxmilian Fredo (child with a dove in her hands) is not by vlb. The sitter was the daughter of Countess Varvara Golovine
A Lady - ?
oil on canvas
Russian Noblewoman
This painting was once thought to be by Vigee Le Brun . JB said it was not.
Baroness Elisaveta Alexandrovna Demidov, nee Baroness Stroganova - 1781-82
oil on canvas, 86 x 68.5 cm, 27 x 22 in, Hermitage
This portrait was painted by Jean Louis Violle. Elisaveta Alexandrovna Demidov, nee Baroness Stroganova (1779-1818) was the wife of Nicolas Demidoff the richest individual in Russia at the time.
"His enormus wealth was the reason he was given the hand of he young Mlle Stroganoff, a member of one of the noblest families in Russia" Vigee Le Brun
The Marquise de Saffray - date?
oil on canvas
Painted by Rose Ducreux in 1791.
This painting can be seen in French Period Room at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

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