
Grand Canyon, 1912
Thomas Moran
25 in x 34 in
The Grand canyon of the Colorado River has long inspired and challenged artists, the men and women who have taken it upon themselves to interpret the grandeur and glory of this extraordinary place through their works of art. Included in this exhibit, A Century of Grand Canyon Art, are some of the artists who have successfully met this challenge through a wide variety of artistic stules and perspectives. their works give us a feel for the breadth and intensity of artistic experience at Grand Canyon.

The inspiration for the present exhibit came from The Majesty of the Grand Canyon: 150 Years in Art by Arnold Skolnick and Dr. Joni Kinsey. this book broadened my knowledge of the world of Grand Canyon-inspired art and introduced me to some of the artists included here. these artists have been drawn to Grand Canyon from many parts of the world. For them the canyon has represented a spiritual and emotional experience, one that many of us share. In the words of Susan Shatter:

"What exactly is it that I am feeling when I am put in these remote places? As I am walking or sitting and looking for hours in a particular place, what I experience is a transcendence of time and space. It involves a feeling of going deeper into the depths of oneself and beyond, out into the universe. Trying to paint moving water, changing light and millions of years of geological time puts me in some accord with the mystery that informs all things."

Selecting the artists for this exhibit and working with them and their collectors has been a real pleasure; they have all been very helpful and patient with my frequent calls and letters. many of the artists were enthusiastic about having this exhibit come to light in its rightful place, Grand Canyon National Park, and expressed their gratitude to the National park Service and Grand Canyon Association for allowing it to come together. i want to say a special thanks you to Mr. A.P. Hays of Arizona West Galleries, Scottsdale, for his generosity with his time and his collection; several of the works exhibited here are his.

Beth Seely, Curator

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Presented by the
Grand Canyon Association
28 June to 15 October 2000
Kolb Studio
Grand Canyon, Arizona

All artwork in this catalog is protected by copyright
No artwork may be reproduced without permission of the artist